10 3

Not sure I agree with this.... I don't know... I think the church and the Vatican should speak out against the administration, and should definitely explain how the church does not condone this border policy, "punishing" someone seems... I don't really have words. the church condoned slavery for a millenium, which also separated kids from their parents...

"U.S. Catholic bishops are considering punishing Catholics who enforce Trump's 'immoral' border policies"


CrankyAntie 5 June 20

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It's a double-edged sword. On the one hand, the church has a lot of influence on issues like this. On the other hand, what if they turn this power to toward something that's not so compassionate.


Well, yes...''should'' is one thing but losing your ''favored status'' with the treasonous groper makes this a very difficult decision, doesn't it?


So what are the Bishops going to do to punish other Catholics - molest their kids??? This is kind of like the pot calling the kettle black.
Actually, this is an interesting issue. The evangelicals (and I'm sure Catholics as well) are trying to repeal the 'Johnson' amendment whith forbids politicing from the pulpit. This 'punishing' members for their political belief is actually against the Johnson amendment (which seems to rerely be enforced). If the amendment were repealled they could then criticise the administration(s) with impunity.

did you read the article?

@CrankyAntie it seems to me that all you did was read the letters that formed the words that created the sentences. There is much more in the article than your apparent shallow "understanding".

@MsAnneThrope I understand this article well, and I thought that it would stimulate well-thought out discussion with folks here... perhaps I was mistaken. Many folks here are not wiling to think constructively and have constructive conversation. My bad.


Catholic church likes children to be in orphanages run by them . can guess what for

Simon1 Level 7 June 21, 2018

The Catholic Church is a major part of the problem as they discourage contraception and are a big reason for people in Mexico and Central America having large families overpopulating their countries causing bad conditions and then trying to get into the US. If we don’t get tough on immigration we are going to have major problems as we will be overrun with poorly educated Spanish people from those countries.

you obviously didn't read the article and appear uneducated in more ways than one...

@CrankyAntie I did read the article. When parents break the law here in the US it’s standard percedure to take the children into custody. When illegal immigrants try to enter the US with their children they are breaking the law so they’re children are taken into custody. So what in the hell are you talking about.

@Trajan61 wow. kids are NOT taken from American parents UNLESS they are in danger or neglected. Your logic is flawed.

@CrankyAntie Anytme both parents are arrested for doing something illegal their children are taken into custody by DHS. Later they may be taken by other family members.

@Trajan61 ok. you're missing the point so we'll agree to disagree.

@Trajan61 our kids are NOT kept in cages when they are removed from parents.

@CrankyAntie You seem to be seeing everything through your liberal glasses. Not the real ones.

@Trajan61 guess we'll agree to disagree, as we have different life experiences, among other things. at any rate, it would be great if you would stick to the issue and focus on the article and my question about its contents.


The pope has called trump on many things including this

@Omen6Actual The OP...

@Omen6Actual he has HUGE influence around the world, so EDUCATED people understand why the pope's opinion is important. You, however, didn't read the article, as is clear, and so it would be truly great if you keep your uneducated, bigoted ideas elsewhere. You're not contributing to this conversation in any constructive way.

@Omen6Actual i did not say who cares or such just answered a guestion

@Omen6Actual I'm not saying you have to like him, but politically and otherwise, religious leaders influence millions, and I was hoping for constructive discussion SPECIFIC to the article, which is not about the pope.

@Omen6Actual well, if you actually read the article, you would see that what you state is not the case, though it might be the author's intention. furthermore, if you don't intend on reading it, and don't intend to constructively discuss the matter, why are you bothering me and other with your ugliness and hostility? I didn't do anything to you, and neither did anyone else here who actually WANTS to have constructive conversation. Why are you doing this to us when we did nothing to you?

@Omen6Actual I see. Well I wore a uniform for 20 yrs and was an active duty army wife for 19 years so that you have the right to be so vile. I too, used to be republican, until I became educated and opened my eyes to the facts of life. Thanks for proving yourself the asshat that you are.


Kill them all and let God sort out his own!

Right. Why not eradicate the entire human race while we’re at it? No special favors - for anyone, you and me included. Sad attitude.

An old and familiar quotation. Reminds me of two framed poster that hung next to the cigarette machine in the Officer's club during my army days. The first read " Join the army, travel to exotic distant lands, meet exciting and unusual people . . . and kill them" The poster next to that one read: "Kill them all and let god sort them out." At the time I thought the poster was just stupid satire (as I figured everybody knew there was no such thing as a god) and roughly the equivalent of "atheist eat babies" but looking back at it now, ". . . kill them all and let god sort them out". . . It is reasonable to conclude many theists self-righteously viewed this as a actual position to justify whatever actions they undertook as their god would do any necessary sorting of their kills.


A church that protects it's pedophile priests has no place for judgement in this matter or any matter. I don't give one fuck about especially, the catholic church's opinion one effing way or the other. They are nothing.

A. this article isn't about the pope.
B. High religious officials, like it or not, have a huge influence world wide.

@CrankyAntie are you fucking kidding me. This article is about the catholic church fucking "punishing people". I repeat, I give not a single fuck what the catholic church thinks, and nor should ANYone. The media must stop making the catholic church seem so important. It is not, except to itself and its many evil interests.

@MsAnneThrope church officials influence people worldwide. it's a fact. and since the church has the ability to influence its members, we have to know how they are being influenced. Like it or not, they vote.


There isn't a religious organization on the planet that shouldn't be showing their contempt for this policy!

As a matter of fact, Jeff Session’s chuch let him know how they felt, in no uncertain terms.

@Lostwax Isn't that great? ☺

Agreed-we have to acknowledge that high-ranking religious officials of every religion nearly, exert great influence on huge numbers of people, especially their membership!

@CrankyAntie This was clergy and lay members, requesting his pastors to help him understand how he is violating church social guidelines in committing child abuse. (My interpretation.)

@Lostwax I get that. there are more churches that are chastising politicians on this matter, so we will see what happens.


Wrong is wrong.

@Mike20206 Hello!

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