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Poet = fake
Dreamer = lazy ass who lacks ambition
socialist = broke and cheap, and quits or gets fired from jobs often.
ukulele learner = sucks because only has a half-assed "committment" to learn.
Sensual not spiritual = likes feet.
Hope to go green some day soon = will never go green as must make the decision to ACTUALLY "go green" and that requires effort.
live off the land = doesn't like responsibilty, working, or paying bills
Build a cob hobbit house = horder
Come join me (n my dog Honcho)= prefers dogs over humans and has no children, will never be married.

MsAnneThrope 5 June 20

Enjoy being online again!

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Here, I fixed it for you:
Poet = someone who likes to fucking write poetry
Dreamer = someone who has the temerity to hope for better things
socialist = someone who believes everyone should have access to the bare minimum in life in deference to their humanity and dignity, rather than being okay with excessively disparate wealth distribution
ukulele learner = someone who likes to play the fucking ukulele
Sensual not spiritual = that one doesn't even fucking make sense; these two are completely unrelated
Hope to go green some day soon = is trying to figure out how to do better and understands that even a little bit is better than nothing
live off the land = works their ass off to be self-sufficient
Build a cob hobbit house = I don't know what the fuck that means, but you spelled "hoarder" wrong.
Come join me (n my dog Honcho)= Who the fuck cares if someone likes dogs better than humans, and who the fuck cares whether someone ever gets married or has kids?

Meh, I like mine better. 🙂

@Pashaonenine, I have a feeling she was describing her own version of herself.

Better, thank you. ♥

@BlueWave not so much. I'm just not a person who finds insults pretending to be witticisms funny.

@pashaonenine I didn't think it was funny either. Then I realized it was writing about herself. Still wasn't funny, but less insulting to others I guess. You should have seen the first comment he wrote to me, which has since been deleted. It was an intentionally disproportionately exaggerated outrage over my use of the word she. I'm convinced it is here for two purposes - to start trouble and to seek attention of any kind. They are definitely not the kind of person I choose to associate with. Hence, my adoration and appreciation for the block button. 🙂 (Just fyi, if anybody else replies to this, I won't see it.)

@MsAnneThrope I get that. I know we will never see eye to eye on this. I don't understand why someone revels in misanthropy, but it's your choice. I do know that in general the degree of hostility and mockery someone exhibits toward others directly correlates to that person's own internal insecurities and fears.

@pashaonenine ok. shrug

@MsAnneThrope Congratulations, you got the last word!

@pashaonenine thanks!


Can I get some vinaigrette for this word salad?



Lol! must be troll night.


Living green in a sustainable cob hobbit house sounds perfect to me. I prefer being around nature, wildlife, animals, etc., but can tolerate interacting with humans in limited doses.

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