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*The Cognitive Biases behind Religion & the Lollapalooza Effect**

Charlie Munger talks about how when someone is under the presence of 3+ multiple cognitive biases simultaneously, they can make irrational decisions.

“‘Three, four, five of these things work together and it turns human brains into mush’ Normal people will be highly likely to succumb to the multiple irrational tendencies acting in the same direction. In the Tupperware party, you have reciprocation, consistency and commitment tendency, and social proof. (The hostess gave the party and the tendency is to reciprocate; you say you like certain products during the party so purchasing would be consistent with views you've committed to; other people are buying, which is the social proof.) “ - (

Just looking on his list of cognitive biases ( I (as a former "on-fire" Christian) can see how Christianity exploits at least numbers 1-5, 9, 11, 14 - 20, 22 - 25, resulting in a super lollapalooza.

1 - Reward and Punishment Super-Response Tendency : "If you would persuade, appeal to interest and not to reason" - Ben Franklin. Christian: "If you believe, you'll get AMAZING rewards/pleasure in heaven! If you don't believe, you'll BURN IN HELL FOREVER". If you lead in prayer, share a Bible verse, give a testimony at church (at least my church), join the leadership team etc. . . You'd get tons of rewards (clapping, "you're so spiritual!", attractive/godly girls expressing admiration for you, social status). If you point out a contradiction in the Bible you’ll get shunned. The girls will be whispering in fear and disgust behind your back.

2 - Liking Tendency. We ignore the faults of people we admire. I mean we as Christians didn't just ADMIRE God, we WORSHIPPED him, said he was perfect, sang about how he was perfect, prayed and constantly reaffirmed about he was perfect, and if you were like me shouted about how he was perfect, posted on Facebook about how he was perfect . . . We therefore overlooked the war god YAWYEH's cruelties. (

3 - Hating Tendency. We ignored the benefits/truths of things we hate. We ignored/disparaged arguments from Atheists and Gays. My dad has used the words pedophiles and atheists interchangeably. Shooting in vegas? Must’ve been a muslim or atheist. We character assassinated atheists with Psalm 14:1. We distorted all facts and arguments coming from people we hated, even if what they were saying was true.

4 - Doubt Avoiding Tendency - When confronted with doubts, we continually made ill-informed, quick decisions rather than using systematic research and thinking. We deliberately ignored talking about Bible contradictions during bible study, and constantly told ourselves that doubting and uncertainty was bad. Christianity avoids uncertainty on a massive level. Any process that that Christians don't have a systematic explanation for, Christians chalk up to God. "how did the big bang start? GOD did it". "How did I get a promotion at work? GOD BLESSED me!". "How did my cold go away? GOD took it away!". "How did I find my keys? GOD triggered my memory". “Who gave me the Ferrari? GOD gave me the Ferrari!”

5 - Inconsistency-Avoidance Tendency - We got freaking baptized and posted photos of it all over Facebook! We're part of the cult now. We've done the hazing ritual. No way we're gonna' admit that we made a bad decision. We give away 10% of our money. We've confessed to masturbation in front of co-ed Bible study groups. We've gotten degrees (ok, actually I fortunately ended up deciding engineering over ministry) and careers for Christianity. No way we're just going to have an about-face on our identities. That would make the other cavemen in our hunter-gatherer tribe realize we’re incompetent.

9 Reciprocation Tendency - small group and churches gave us free food and fun activities. As good people (and as programmed by our genes for social-evolutionary advantage) we need to reciprocate and agree to come to Bible study next Tuesday. And the BIG ONE: Perfect Jesus (bias 1) gave HIS LIFE FOR YOU, you wretched sinner (Bias 3). You need to reciprocate back and commit your life to him.

10 Influence-From-Mere-Association Tendency. You won't see Christians advertising Xtianity's negative associations (priest child rape, the Crusades, when 199/200 people die on a plane crash), but you will see them associate Christianity with EVERYTHING AND ANYTHING POSITIVE. WorldVision. Steph Curry. When one baby survives out of 200 on a plane crash. Associate anything good in the world with God. Associate anything bad with liberals.

11- Simple, Pain-Avoiding Psychological Denial. “Christianity can’t be false because that would make me sad”

12 - Excessive Self-Regard Tendency. 90% percent of drivers think they are an above-average driver. And 99% percent of Christians think Christianity has above-average moral system.

14 - Deprival-Superreaction Tendency - aka loss aversion + sunk cost fallacy. Similar to inconsistency avoidance (but less so about maintaining identity and more so about incorrectly weighting past actions in current decision making). Losing your Christian friends in your mind is more painful than gaining new non-Christian friends, so you stay in the church. The pain of eternal hell is a large loss, whereas having <80 years of a fun, true life is relatively small gain. You’ve already spent so much on being a Christian. Can’t leave now.

15 - Social-Proof Effect - all these smart 4.0 engineering students at your college are also in Bible study. They can’t all be stupid! Cf. Solomon Asch line experiment. In-group conformity is powerful. We make decisions not based on logical decision trees, but rather on if the decision is an accepted behavior of our tribe, because our evolutionary ancestors would starve if they got ousted by the tribe.

16 - Contrast-Misreaction Tendency - Humans think in relative contrast (% terms) rather than absolute numbers. We get bait and switched, slowly over time. The non-demoninational churches say nothing about hating gays. All love. All fun stuff and community service. Then you move up the ranks in church leadership and a few years later you realize that we all think gay people are sinful people. But it’s no biggie, because your belief in this and other Xtian beliefs has only slowly grown into realization over the months and years, and you never really noticed. You boil a frog in hot water by slowly raising the temperature.

17 - Stress-influence tendency - You don’t want to be pondering decision trees when a tiger jumps at you. Similarly when you’re going to sleep at night, praying without ceasing and working out your salvation with fear and trembling, as your heart rate is pounding in fear after you just masturbated as a 15 year old male, as the threat of hell threatens to burn you (which your brain interprets as death prevention of your gene propagation), you don’t have enough time/evolutionary incentive to question whether the threat of hell is real. JUST RUN AWAY FROM THE FIRE NOW.

18 - Availability Misweighting Tendency. We as Christians eagerly thought of and told others about the handful of prayers that were answered, but never the hundreds that were never answered and we forgot about (I prayed for hundreds, if not thousands of people to get saved, and the second one of my friends prayed the sinner’s (bias 1, 2,3, 4,5 9, 14,15, 17) prayer with me, I texted 30 of my contacts and told all my friends/ mentors at church that “Joe just got saved! God is good and faithful”, and then received a bunch of praise and status from my church (bias 1)

19 - Use-it-or-Lose-it tendency. Memory decays quickly ( Christianity only survives through brute force repetition. Read the bible every day. Pray without ceasing. Memorize a bible verse a day. Have small group to reaffirm your beliefs on Monday, Bible study Tuesday, your school’s Christian Group Wednesday, Church Sunday. Pray with your parents at every meal, every time you go in the car, every day before work/school, every night before you go to bed. Pray with your best friend at the bus stop every morning. Pray a blessing over your teacher every time you walk through the doorway to your class. Carry your Bible with you all the time, more so than your textbooks. The only way such an abnormal belief can sustain itself is through constant brainwashing and repetition.

20 - Drug-Misinfluence Tendency - there are substances like alcohol that are addictive and make you feel deceptively happy. Similar deal with a bunch of neurotransmitters. The oxytocin when you hug everyone at small group. The serotonin high we get after worshipping on Sunday, seeing all of our community, having twenty different people say hey to you at church (wow, I’m high status now in my church). Seeking the ever-receding high from spiritual experiences and church retreats ( The feeling that you are part of something momentous, historic, when you are in your rapidly growing megachurch.

22 - Authority-Misinfluence Tendency. Animals and other mammals form dominance hiearchies. We naturally, unquestioningly just follow a leader. Besides: Romans 13:1-5

23 - Twaddle Tendency / Dunning Kruger Effect - Humans (and honeybees) are confident even when they have no fucking clue what is going in. We claimed to have so much knowledge about how the universe works, all based on a series of books written 1900 - 3100 years ago. Our confidence exceeded our abilities. I remember walking up to a lady in a wheelchair and commanding her legs in the name of Jesus to walk. Not only this, but we were fractally twaddling. Twaddling about everything. God caused that hurricane, because of gay people. Yes not weather patterns. Gay people. I’m a fuckin’ meteorologist you heathens That girl on the bus looks distressed. I’m a fuckin’ mindreader you heathens: GOD IS CONVICTING HER OF HER SINS but there is a SATANIC ATTACK GOING ON RIGHT NOW THREATENING HER SALVATION. I need to evangelize to her now, before the devil takes her to a point of no return. (I remember in 10th grade this exact situation happening, and me feeling so guilty that I was afraid to intervene in the obvious spiritual warfare happening a few seats next to me on the bus. I remember in college my small group leader “using discerment” to discover personality traits about me and him being totally wrong. That Dunning-Kruger mentality of Christians thinking they are mind readers and and armchair psychologists started to stick out to me then.)

24 - Reason-Respective Tendency - hearing illogical reasons can be just as persuasive as logical reasons. "Pastor: Now Joshua 6:21 may look like it’s immoral. But it’s actually not, because of mysterious ways." "God gave me a Ferrari because I AM A FERRARI" (

25 - Lollapalooza Tendency - When someone is manipulated via one cognitive bias, the rational part of their brain can often win out over the cognitive bias. But for the untrained mind, 3+ cognitive biases is just so emotionally/evolutionarily persuasive that irrational behavior ensues.

JohnSimerlink 2 June 20

Enjoy being online again!

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So now the next thing do you believe in Saint Christopher or Santa Clause and Tooth Fairy Jack Frost, when all the ice is gone will jack Frost still be there? We all ready have billion tons of Glacier Ice gone now the Earth is really heating up with the permafrost frost exposed there will be methane and more CO2 we can die on


No it's evidence was mostly oberd to me some of the idiums even Jesus had many Graves like which Jesus would you be referring to and which Mary he existed and did pelgrages and traveled like L Ron Hubbard's bullshit past he could have copied alot of other people's past like ALla, or Budda they were all immaculately conceived and also had a mother by the name of Moira


Religion puts a hold on you even when it sends lies about itself like there fact that there is no root to evil being money that's a lie


Wow. Very interesting. I knew about some of those cognitive biases, but not all of them. How did you finally get away from the church. Was it a slow process, or a sudden rebellion?

slow process. Each element of my faith would gradually get stripped away every time I stumbled across some irrefutable evidence that contradicted the Bible. First, the belief that there were no contradictions in the bible. Then the belief that 6 day creationism was true. And then that homosexuality didn't have biological causes. And then that the Exodus was true. and so on and so on until the only belief I had was that Jesus rose from the dead, (but I had no way to prove it).

This whole process lasted 5 years (age 15 to age 20). Shared the gospel with tons of people. Got in trouble with school administrators for passing out gospel tracts etc. . commanded people's legs in the name of Jesus to leave their wheelchairs and walk etc etc. Started Bible studies, served on multiple worship bands. Wanted to drop out of high school and become a street missionary at one point. etc. etc. but as more and more facts began to contradict Christianity, my evangelism weakened and I became a "luke warm Christian"

And then finally I heard one person giving their testimony at a baptism at my college church, and they pretty much said "Yeah. I used to be an agnostic. I had all these doubts about the Bible. But my brother went here to XYZ church, and he seemed really happy. So I asked Pastor Tom about my doubts - he couldn't answer them. Then I asked Paster Mike about my doubts - he couldn't answer them. Finally I asked Head Paster Joe about my doubts - he couldn't answer them. But I saw my brother and all these people worshipping and being happy, and I thought 'If they can be happy being Christians, why can't I?' So I dedicated my life to Jesus".

It was the worst testimony ever. He essentially admitted he couldn't think of any reasons Christianity was true, but that he was just going to turn his mind off to be happy. That moment I realized that was literally me too. I couldn't think of any reasons anymore why Xtianity was true (and I had read and shared apologetics for years). I was now just believing because all my friends and family were.

That was at 2pm on a Sunday. I went home and spent the next 8 hours researching reasons why Xtianity wasn't true and reading counterarguments as well. By 11pm I was an agnostic atheist.

I then hid my atheism in church and small groups and worship band the next couple months. I especially hid it from my family because my dad was constantly in and out the ICU/hospital with cancer, and his faith was keeping him alive.

The next 6 months were really rough. I felt like life was meaningless, and like I had wasted so many years pursuing and spreading a lie. I felt horrible for the gay people I had encountered across the years who I had told being gay was a sin, and for all the perfectly smart and kind people I warned would go to Hell unless they believed in Jesus. Briefly had thoughts of suicide, but nothing too serious.

All my motivation had come from wanting to give glory to God and being a good testimony for him. I had always been super disciplined - good grades, good at work, good at saving money.

I spent most of the next few months curled up on my bed reading Dawkins, Hitchens,Michael Shermer, Bart Erhmann, studying evolution, watching Tyson's Cosmos series.. Through my previous incidental research over the past 5 years I had determined that Christianity was false, but I now had no idea what was true. If Christianity was not true, then what was? Why would these books of the Bible have been written if they weren't true? If the Bible isn't true, what is our best explanation for why & how each of the different parts were written? Can I have morality without God? If God isn't real, then how did I have Out of Body Experiences when I was 15? (a major factor in me becoming an on-fire Christian). If my purpose isn't to serve God and save souls what is my purpose in life?

I had been so confident and pushy about my beliefs, but now I was just so confused, and felt like I had no understanding of how life or the universe worked. It's an absolute mindfuck realizing that the Universe is not 6,000 years old and that Jesus isn't intervening daily in everyone's actions.

All the people who I had thought were evil and stupid for believing in evolution and premarital sex, now seemed smart and kind and caring, and really I was the one who had been the asshole all these years.

I skipped classes for weeks straight. My GPA went down to a 2.3. (i had previously been a good student). One of my classes I got a 0% attendance grade for the whole semester, and like a 20% average on the homework grade. I lost 10 pounds that semester, really just from not having the energy to eat. It was super hard to focus, and think clearly. I'd try reading these books by Dawkins or Erhmann, and just felt so low energy and fuzzy brained.

I didn't really rebel. In fact I wanted to stay super clean-cut and hang out with a bunch of Christians still so that they could see that agnostics/atheists aren't evil baby-eaters. I had grandiose visions of becoming a better Dawkins and liberating LGBTs from the oppression of Christianity, while associating atheism with charity and effective altruism. I still had a really intuitive understanding of the evangelical mindset and was cringing at how ineffective most atheism arguments/attitudes would fare on Christians, and believed I could develop a much more effective strategy for "deconverting Christians".

But I never really tried to deconvert anyone. I think it can be done, and I don't think a lot of the ways people go about it today are effective, but I just don't feel like spending the energy to do so. I tried to avoid former people at my church, and carefully steered topics away from anyone finding out I was a non-believer.

Over the past 19 months, I've just gotten interested in other stuff and no longer have the passion to be an apologist for atheism (not to mention I don't want to offend my family). Converting people to what I view are the "correct beliefs" no longer seems as interesting or important, now that if I don't do it people aren't doomed to eternal hellfire.

Mildly dabbled with partying, hookups, and MJ, but definitely haven't sacrificed any goats to Beezelbub yet. To my family, I don't really seem much different than 2 years ago (though I definitely am night and day different from 5 years ago).

Still trying to figure out how to get my motivation back that I had when I was an on fire Xtian. Also trying to find loving relationships/community that give you that feeling of warmth and safety you feel inside of small group.

@JohnSimerlink Very interesting. I was never an "on-fire" christian. I just went to church with my parents. Then, when I was about 12, I went forward to be "saved" and to be part of the "in" group. I was seriously disappointed that nothing was really different, and there were no big secrets revealed. My Dad had quit going to church by then, and he was reading a lot of philosophy and things like that. That was the end of me going to church, and the beginning of a philosophical quest.

I hope you find your new purpose and motivation. It can be a long journey, though.


Wow. This list is excellent..and SOOOO true (sigh). Like many here, I was also raised Christian, in fact, my parents were United Methodist Haiti missionaries, so I used to endorsed much of the stupidity.

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