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I know many of us reject the unsupported idea of a god, gods, higher power, or other descriptive verbiage created by those attempting to control the masses. My question is, do you find it exhausting dealing with those unwilling or unable to intelligently support why they continue to believe in their invisible, all powerful, imaginary friend? Does anyone else long for a day where ignorance and the belief in invisible friends becomes the taboo of society?

cj2075 5 June 21

Enjoy being online again!

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Firstly, if you are not going to be able to have a constructive conversation, (by constructive I mean that both parties engage with respect and understanding), then better not to engage at all. Make your apologies and move on. With regard to ignorance and belief being taboo is leading to totalitarianism and highly suspect. The attempt to suppress religious expression after the Russian Revolution was not a success. Religiosity was underground for many years and re-surfaced decades later. It never went away. To try to remove philosophies and religious beliefs that we dislike is a totalitarian action regardless of the philosophy that is being presented. To remove religious thought and practice would be a travesty and disregard the deep, ponderous dialogue we have regarding what it means to be human. 3D philosophical entities become shallow 2D gameshow hosts


Einstein felt the belief in god was a childish one, while he criticized atheists as being angry reactionaries to a society that brainwashed them into theism while they were children... Consequently, he was an agnostic...admitting humbly that since we can't disprove the existence of god, it's reasonable to disbelieve, but should remain open and objective should some phenomenon prove otherwise.

In keeping with that philosophy, I've been agnostic, but have stumbled across impressive academic substantiation that has made me believe there must be a creator... Would love to have some of you look at the 2017 University of Virginia Medical School results of their 50 year study of 2500 three year old children with verified past life recall... And PLEASE... I'm looking for civil, objective and intelligent insights... Not the angry, emotional, profane expletives of the crusading atheists that Einstein referred to.

UVA Study introductory...


I don't care what people say. I know that Peter Pan and Tinkerbell are not real but Jesus and the Easter Bunny are the real thing. On top of that, they are both friends.


I try not to get exasperated with it by having realistic expectations. Mostly, I'm not going to change the mind of any theist I'm actually engaging with. However, in online settings, there are many lurkers, many of whom are entertaining doubt, and it's they that I think I'm swaying now and then. I've actually met former believers -- even former fundamentalists like myself -- who were persuaded over time by such discussions.

So ... it's going to seem like no one is listening and it's a waste of time, because even if deconverted, a lurker by nature is apt to remain a non-participant and not report this change publicly. Many people find writing difficult and taxing and/or are just withheld and private.

@cj2075 Yeah it makes me crazy when I take the time and effort to make a few points with substantiation and they don't bother to address them but raise new points, move the goalposts, deflect, or simply ignore. But ... at the same time, I understand they got nothing, so what are they going to do?


I'm largely not bothered by it, because people here don't tend to discuss their "imaginary friend" very much. I can't recall the last time someone said to me 'god bless you' or similar in casual usage. I think the fact that the population here is over 50% unaffiliated, atheist or agnostic has something to do with it.

Denker Level 7 June 22, 2018

I grew up next to Berkeley California and let's just say a lot of people you meet have imaginary friends that are in no way a religious thing.
Yes. I do long for a time when being rational and decision making is not done in the shadow of old myths and Sky Wizards.


I do find it exhausting! I agree

Drew69 Level 7 June 22, 2018
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