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This Idiot Has no ides about Politics.Every business he had Failed! What the hell is going on in the U.S.A.?

Coldo 8 June 21

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Some people need to realize the "good old days" cannot return. The world is far different than it was in the 60's. My "God fearing, Trump loving family believe he has brought god back to the White House..SMH


He's beyond incompetent.


He lies. PERIOD....IF it comes out his mouth, is the same as coming out his ass...just plain shit/

Agree 100%


It would be laughable if it wasn't such a problem for generations to come....

I know! Bampots??


He is loved by the conservatives and Republicans because he's a fucking Nazi

He sure seems to be turning out that way.

Yip ?

@AmyLF I hate to say it and it's sad but it's true

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