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What would you think if a religious person said they did not believe in magic ?

Axlefoley 6 June 22

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They think, EVERYTHING not from the gospel, is from the devil....including they are afraid of it and can't admit there is such a thing...poor bastards. Caught up in a religion of love that is based in fear....ya, good luck with that!...hahahaha


Look, there is a big difference between Magic and Miracles.....erm.....they are spelled differently?


You mean like turning water to wine?

That trick was done by magic mushrooms.

God made everything perfect, like weed too. Just not according to the federal Government standards.


I'd think, everyone chooses their own level of self-delusion. ?


I explain that they do believe in magic, Divine Magic, and I explain they are actually practicing Sorcery.

It tends to make them irritated, but it is a fact.


I would understand that they believe in the Christian religion, or whatever religion they practice, and not in other magical things.

MsAl Level 8 June 22, 2018

And then I walk away...
Silly christians

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