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Men place almost as much importance on humour as they do on appearances and
women want to find a partner who is intelligent and has a sense of humour. So a sense of humour is crucial, or so it seems. Do you agree?

Ryksie 6 June 22

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Humor is more important than looks. Humor is a sign if personality and brains. Looks go away over time but you can keep getting funnier.

BJMcF Level 2 June 25, 2018

Absolutely. But you also have to "get" each others' humor -- in other words, be able to laugh at each others' jokes and appreciate where their sensibilities are coming from. When my humor clicks with someone else's, that one of the biggest turn-ons for me.


Well, i know that i am a very funny,sarcastic person.but something might be funny for me, and not even make you smile. and thats ok. everyone has a sliding scale of humor. just the way life is, don;t stress about it.


I do. Humor is an ice breaker, a great way to have fun and a great way to live life. sometimes i really laugh at myself and when in a group having fun laughter is awesome.



btroje Level 9 June 22, 2018

Different strokes for different folks. Generally though, there are probably a few things each sex values most. There is some truth to stereotypes.


Some people seem to bring out the funny in me. Those are always the people I enjoy being around the most.

Hermit Level 7 June 22, 2018

I tend to agree with statistical facts, because well...they're facts. If you're asking if a sense of humor is crucial for me; now we've got something to talk about!

No not really.

I mean, I don't exactly judge all the qualities of someone on a 10 point scale and have some deal-breaker values that I just can't drop below. If I find someone attractive there are usually a litany of reasons and humor is often one of them, but I wouldn't say "crucial".


Make me laugh, like to dance, you can look like Rumplestiltskin.....


To be humorous, one has to be able to look outside him/her self and see the absurdity in the world; to see how words play against other words; and to be able to appreciate it when the punch line is not what one expected. Those skills are present in some people more than others. And I do think practice helps. I am of the opinion (and don't shoot me) that the smarter you are, the funnier you can be (if you want to be, and with practice). What I find funny is the observational kind of humor - the juxtaposition of things and life. Puns. Make me laugh and I think you are smart. And I love smart! And making others laugh makes me happy, too.

Holli Level 6 June 22, 2018

wow I must be a fkin genius. LOL


Some men do. But, some men have zero sense of humor, and some are not humorless, but naturally serious people.


It certainly helps. Me personally, I really appreciate people who know how to poke fun at themselves.

I can be as serious as a heart attack about a lot of things, but I also appreciate throwing around vast amounts of silliness.

I also ran across an interesting article recently, that pointed out that romantic couples who were the most successful, were the ones who were kindest to each other. And it was backed up with scientific research.


If you can't find humor in life, you are not going to like a whole lot of things in your farts.


It definitely is for me.

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