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You've been assigned the task of modifying the physical characteristics of human beings. What modifications, if any, would you make?

RobLawrence 7 June 22

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I would like it if the odds of Reproduction would be MUCH harder...


A third arm and a few inches longer for all 3. A sheath covering all poop so it doesn’t dirty our rim. No pubic or torso hair.

@RobLawrence Much of life is about the ew.


Shoot spider man webs out of penis and put male sex drive into women. Also, no unwanted body hair.

put sex drives of women into men. then this whole world would function more sensibly In fact make it seasonal like certain animals


No nipples on men. They're pointless.

I'd also do away with oestrus as we know it. I'm sure I can think of a better way to signal female fertility than something that involves pain and bleeding every month.


Go back to the design table!

godef Level 7 June 22, 2018
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