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I listen to "The profane argument" podcast, and so far it's the only Atheistic podcast I've found. What podcasts do you listen to?

KevinL 4 June 25

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I also subscribe to the JaclynGlenn YouTube channel. She is a young woman (late 20s) who is an atheist. The channel has a lot of funny critiques of Christian movies and Christian YouTube channels, but she also lays bare her somewhat dysfunctional relationships. It is an entertaining show from a very intelligent young woman.


As far as atheist themed shows that go into spirituality or lack thereof (though not exclusively): The Ardent Atheist, Penns Sunday School, Black Mass Appeal (Satanic Temple), and the Drunken Taoist.


I don't listen to any. I have no need to.


Thanks for the suggestions. I'm becoming a podcast junkie.


I've just finished a three-year binge catch-up of The Scathing Atheist. It's got better as the years have gone on (and as they've dropped the juvenile, boyish humour and rape jokes). The Diatribe which starts ever episode is often incredibly good and —. frankly — ought to be a regular opinion piece in a national paper.

Seth Andrews' Thinking Atheist is also excellent, and he's another who goes off on devastatingly effective take-downs of the evils of religion.


Welcome to Nightvale. Surreal, horrific, funny, odd.

The Thrilling Adventure Hour (highly recommended) Like old timey radio, but better.

Wolf 359. Excellent serialized fiction. I'm a sucker for radio dramas.

The Last Podcast on the Left. Great show that delves deep into things like serial killers, cult leaders, alien abductions, all kinds of things.

Critical Role, an amazing D&D show that's also on YouTube. I've watched/listened to this more than anything else in my life, it's so addicting. And theres probably about 600 hours worth of content, not including the other content they put out.

Dan Carlin's Hardcore History. I cannot even begin to describe how awesome this guy is at telling history. He reminds me of a (favorite) teacher I had in high school, who had a way of nonjudgementally expressing the intricacies of historical conflicts. Only like... a hundred times better, which should be impossible.

There are others... but these are ones that haven't been mentioned already. I'm sure you're aware of the Joe Rogan Experience, Serial, This American Life, etc.

SirJet Level 5 June 25, 2018

Ditto, highly recommend Welcome to Nightvale and Thrilling Adventure Hour! Hardcore History too.


Thank God I'm Atheist is my favorite, I like their banter and humor without being annoying like shock-jocks as some of the other podcasts are, it is the only one that I actually look forward to every week.

The Thinking Atheist is generally a well produced show but I only listen to that when the topic peaks my interest.

I would be remiss to not mention Ask An Atheist, they cover topics from all over, but also topics in the Seattle-Tacoma area. Members from our group, Kitsap Atheists and Agnostics, are occasionally guest co-hosts of the show.


Point of Inquiry podcast


With the possible exception of Penn's Sunday School [] (because atheism is a frequent topic), most of the podcasts that I enjoy are just coincidentally atheist such as The Adam Carolla Show [], The Yaron Brook Show [], & Don't Let It Go Unheard []. I also enjoy The Way I Heard It with Mike Rowe []. Oh and since I usually listen alone, I listen to my podcasts at 1 and 1/2 speed so I can finish them all faster and stay caught up. They now sound weird to me at normal speed.

I use to listen to Adam Carolla, but I thought Alison Rosen was a better compliment to the show to Gina Grad, so I lost interest. After Rosen left it became more of a conservative echo chamber.

@TonyMacaroni I didn't start listening until Alison was gone. So I don't know what I'm missing. This show mainly just provides me comedy filler on my commute. I have been known to take an occasional hiatus from this show when Adam's elitism annoys me. Adam can be pretty funny, but Bald and Gina have the occasional out-of-the-park comedic home run that keeps me coming back for more.


Check out Sam Harris


Cognitive Dissonance is a good podcast.The skeptic’s guide to the universe is a good for skeptical thinkers


Joe Rogan, Sam Harris, Preet Bahara and Past Present.

I like Rogan a bit but I find his frequent nonsensical rants on his podcasts get annoying. I think his stand up comedy is pointed and hilarious.


One I like is the thinking Atheist pod cast.


The Atheist Experience. I also love watching debates between one of the hosts, Matt Dillahunty and various theists, on youtube

That's been one of my favorites for more than a decade. Great show.

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