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So what do you think about Cryotocurrency, ala Bitcoin (BTC) etal?

I just mean buying, selling, holding, trading and spending.

Everything else is usually a scam like Bitconnect, which parted many a fool with his hard earned (maybe!) money.

But for buying, selling, spending, etc, I am cautiously excited about it (cryptocurrency) as a currency and investment tool...

I am also concerned that it is so untraceable - its feature asset!

Ungod 6 June 26

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Have a friend who , along with a group of friends , has purchased a lot of mining machines . Could be a fantastic investment , or could be a major scam . The question that comes to mind for me is , if it's so great , why are the people who own it , selling it ? If it's a fantastic investment , why are people who have it exchanging it for money ?

Every Crypto Currency (CC) “specialist” I spoke to does NOT suggest mining - especially for the CC neophyte!

Mining is one of those CC things that is often a straight up scam.

Even legit mining may take years to pay off, if ever.
You have to make some serious decisions and calculations before you go CC mining.
Mining also used to be a thing anyone could do even at home, with the right equipment, but is no longer practical.

I believe there is an issue with mining and the carbon footprint it causes also.

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