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In my aging years, I've become more and more cynical of any definition that we might put forth regarding what's intelligent out there, because, of course, we define “ourselves” as intelligent. And I ask myself what even gives us that right to judge ourselves to be intelligent. We're coming up with our own definitions and so, of course we're going to look pretty good compared with other animals in the world. But you can imagine some species vastly more intelligent than we are… Why should we think we even have any hope of communicating with them? Consider that we haven't had a meaningful conversation with any other species of life on earth with whom we have DNA in common.
~ Neil deGrasse Tyson

Benthoven 8 June 28

Enjoy being online again!

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Intelligent people don't necessary have any common sense, so that intelligence that they have is not worth the paper it is written on.

That's why I love the book Emotional Intelligence by Daniel Goleman. There's so much more to intelligence than we think.


I don't like ageing.

I thought I didn't, but it turns out a few grey hairs look rather good on me so I don't mind it any more 🙂


Ha ha! I agree. Some people are improved with a touch of silver.


I guess you didn't see Dr Doolittle?

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