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Just putting this out there, without comment.

From: The Death of Democracy, Benjamin Carter Hett

bleurowz 8 June 28

Enjoy being online again!

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Do you have this is a word doc? If so may I get a copy?

A friend had posted this image on Facebook. I'd saved the image to my computer and then uploaded it here. If you have a PC you just right-click and select "save image as" and it will put it by default in your Pictures file in File Explorer, or your Downloads file or where you have it designated to save files. You can also save it on a Mac while holding down the apple key while clicking.

If you have a Snipping Tool you can also do a screen shot and save that.


The people who need to hear this will not be affected period since a year before the election I've been screaming about it can't happen here by Upton Sinclair. Written at the time. That your caption concerns Greg. Trump supporters do not listen. So invariably we wind up yelling at the people who agree with us. I think that we have uncovered plenty of information that Trump is corrupt mean a sex addict and not too concerned with the law. But still it is not enough for his core support group. I'm afraid that this core support group will have to be dealt with. And unfortunately they only think in terms of violence. It is sad to say that they may lead our nation to the brink of War just because they don't want to pay 5% more tax. I mean let's just cut to the chase and talk about the core issues. That is essentially what it all comes down to. If you want to get the alt-right attention start telling them that they are Isis. This is actually a fact period a line-by-line comparison of their supposed beliefs and even the amount of the pieocracy in the organization is almost a mirror image of 45 and the ridiculous parade going through the White House. I hope you are willing to put your body where your mouth is should the occasion arise. Excellent reference. It almost seems like it could be from it can't happen here


Whether we study history or not, it seems as if we are doomed to repeat it.


Would Canada be Trump's Austria, would the tanks roll in virtually unchallenged by our tiny military? I suppose by the time February rolled around most of the Americans would want to go back home.


Gee, that seems familiar! Let's just hope it never gets to that here!

@TheAstroChuck Right. I thought about that after I posted my comment. We have to do what we can.


Too too familar. ?

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