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In celebration of Canada Day, I've given myself a challenge: learn a bassline for each of the following groups: The Guess Who, Anvil and the Tragically Hip. If your paying attention thus far, suggest a song from each group.

Hicks66 7 June 29

Enjoy being online again!

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Anvil- Juggernaut Of Justice or Bitch In The Box (Both have killer growling bass lines that I love.)

The Guess Who- No Sugar Tonight/ New Mother Nature (Some of the funkiest stuff The Guess Who Ever Did.)

The Tragically Hip- At The Hundredth Meridian (Just because it kicks ass.)


a taste of Anvil.

It's ok, but I'm not really impressed.


No Sugar Tonight, not familiar with Anvil, and New Orleans is Sinking.

Yuh. Canadian Metal is not a big scene. But these guys are mad men who live in large script.

@Hicks66 I'll be doing some research, thanks.

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