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I think I remember my own conception..

Not the act itself (thank science!), but I had this reoccurring dream from the ages of 4/5 until about 8/9.

I was travelling through these endless redish/blackish tunnels, and kept having these stabbing feelings (in what felt like my heart). I couldn't exactly 'see' anything, but I had a sort of navigation system. A sperm satnav perhaps!

Those stabbing feelings told me I had to be somewhere, fast. I didn't understand it, but I knew it was life or death. I always woke up before I got there.

I still remember and feel these dreams so clearly now, and I'm 33. I probably had them on 30-50 occasions as a child.


Could these actually be my memories as a sperm??

adz 4 June 29

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Sounds like a weird dream that you later attributed meaning to. More likely it's your subconscious expressing anxiety. The red, the pain, the urgency, the claustrophobic nature, all that fits.


You're kidding, right? Please tell me you're kidding...


I remembered clearly being in the womb, as did my sister, as well as conversations had by our parents when they found out my mom was pregnant ( dad was NOT happy, and blamed my mom, said he couldn't afford us).

My sister was so outraged by my dad's rejection she began making her own clothes and supporting herself from a very young age. In my case, my parents' rejection made me want to escape my family as soon as possible, and to feel like the world would never accept me.

I clearly remembered every detail of my birth, what my mom wore, the time of day, the room, the woman attending my mom, what they both wore, what they said to each other, and what they both THOUGHT. But most overwhelmingly, I remembered the odors..of my mom, the room, when I was nursing, etc. Back then, odors were as important as visual stimulation.

When I questioned my mom as an adult she admitted the details I'd remembered were true, including her thoughts.

But both my sister and I remembered our previous past life just before this one, and the time inbetween reincarnations as well. I had trouble accepting living in this lifetime due to my parents' hostility, and kept retreating to my friends between lives, to hang out with them, every chance I got. I did this from before I could talk, into adulthood.


My son, as a young child, talked often of his birth, and pre-birth time. He was two when he first described it, beginning with a question: ‘what happened to my cord?’ And pointing to his belly button. I explained why he had a belly button and he was very impatient with me. He KNEW all that, he said(precocious kid!); he missed it and wanted to know what happened to it. I asked him what he remembered, and he described ‘being in apple juice’ with the cord in front of him; hearing my voice; seeing lights. Then he said, ‘I remember first time I saw you. It was squeezing and I heard a screaming sound. Then a little man with black hair(fair description of my doctor!) was holding me, and I looked up and THERE YOU WERE!’
What’s funny is that when he was born, I recall him turning his head and looking at me, and seeing recognition, or what I thought was, on his face. I felt like I had known him forever.

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