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I saw the last musical of the season (Gammage Theater in Tempe), "School of Rock". I have never seen the movie, so I didn't know what to expect. It was pretty good! Any reason to dress up (I think because of the theme of the movie, most people were casual) and get out of the heat works for me! And while I'm not a big fan of children, I thought the child performers were very talented, and did a great job singing, dancing, and playing their instruments; I can only play spoons and a jug, so yes, I was impressed!
What are your summer musical/concert choices this year?

AzVixen52 7 June 30

Enjoy being online again!

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Summer dress up in AZ is usually the nice flip flops with shorts.

Not for me!


Sounds fun.
Here in Thailand I watch Netflix for shows, if I can tear myself away from my vast library of Kindle books.

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