2 1 App. Question to Android Users.

Is the App a better/same/worse experience than accessing the site with a browser?

I cannot use the App on my Galaxy Note 3 with my Google account log on. It just won't connect.

Before I bother Admin with a new log-on instead of my Google account I would like to know if Android users find the App a better experience than just using a browser.

Sorry for a trivial question but I really like to use my phone for access, and the App is currently dead for me.

Thanks for any feedback.

David1955 8 June 30

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I've got a Note8 and it works fine. Different from the website, but the same could be said of fb, too.

Yeah, I think it's the build of the Note 3. It's very annoying that the App won't work on it, thanks.


I've only ever used the Android version. It works fine for me.

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