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Ghosting! Because avoidance behavior is so much easier. Who here has done it? I'll admit to it.

helionoftroy 7 June 30

Enjoy being online again!

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I ghost IRL, but only after way past reasonably being pushed. If I were to outline the reasons why, most people would think that was way too kind. lol

Online, uhm, not so much really, but do get quiet if something's given me pause, but to outright ghost or poof no, not yet anyway.


I hate it! It has happened to me a few times and it drives me crazy. I need to hear the words, I'm not interested, I've changed my mind, you talk too much, whatever. It's like an unfinished sentences. It is such a cowardly act. I have no problem telling someone it's done, relationship or not.


Lol only like every day sometimes, there are just certain people I'd move heaven and earth to dodge lol

Lol or do we mean ghosting people in chat I suddenly realize, well you gotta have people to ghost I suppose for that


To me it's ghosting if you suddenly don't hear from someone after establishing a connection. If the communication kind of peters out, it means you don't have a connection and have run out of things to say, so why bother continuing.


I am new this messaging back and forth, but it seems to me sometimes the conversations just seem to peter out and you both know it. It is not the best way to converse.

I agree that if the conversation is stagnant and you’ve nothing else in common just stopping if fine. But would you do it if you were in a relationship?

@helionoftroy No


There have been a few people in recent years that I have felt it necessary to block out of my life, because I didn't need their negativity. These have mostly been people I looked at possibly dating, but they were 'crazy.' So yes there were a couple I ghosted, but there were also ones that I did tell that I didn't want contact before I deleted and blocked them.

Good on you for being man enough to let the other person know! If only everyone had that level of respect.


What is ghosting?

When you suddenly stop talking/texting/communicating with a person. Poof disapear!


I've had it done to me before. It's a really shitty thing to do.

I agree. I’ve done it but not with someone I was in a relationship with.

@helionoftroy I thought this was in the context of a relationship. I guess you can do it to friends or family too.

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