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Just back from a fabulous day camping trip to the beach with a friend and her 4 children. We put our new inflatable tent up. It's the easiest tent I've ever put up! We had a bbq, we swam in the sea. We got sunburn a bit, we played rounders and we laughed a lot. It was exactly what we all needed. So much fun and love for my friends, where would we be without friends ?

Josephine 7 June 30

Enjoy being online again!

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I love the beach and playing in the ocean. Haven't been in some time. Love camping.


You asked awhile back about tent advise. I gave you a long distribe, but in the end, I admitted that I knew nothing about inflatable tents. Do you a picture of your tent. I would love to see it. I've never seen one?

t1nick Level 8 June 30, 2018

Sounds like you had a lot of fun!

What kind of inflatable tent did you use? Did you take a photo?


Sounds well planned and successfully carried out . Glad to hear you had such a wonderful day !


Same here..spent most of the day on Brittas beach.
Wow great day though. It's amazing how a day at the beach doing almost bugger all..can leave you exhausted with sand even getting in your mouth.

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