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Have you ever talked to someone and was making it obvious that you thought something was bullshit? I had this interaction with a Wiccan. I was taking care of a three-year-old who started having bad dreams and her mother wasn't sure how to help her. A man came into my work with his four-year-old son and they picked a anti nightmare Rock from our collection of minerals. The rocks are in our Pagan section but really they are polished and pretty. Whatever helps the little boy sleep I think is worth it. So I ran in and was going to pick one of these rocks hopefully for free since it was for a little girl. Suddenly my Wiccan coworker said that there isn't a rock for nightmares but I should bless a dreamcatcher. I really just wanted to tell her it doesn't fucking matter. They're just rocks. But I kept my lips shut and said oh thank you and left. I apologized to the mother for the useless detour.

Virgoan 5 June 30

Enjoy being online again!

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It was your choice. Sometimes it is best not to stir things up.

MrDMC Level 7 July 1, 2018

What actually matters is what the people believe in. If someone thinks a rock will help, then it will, since it's us doing anything anyway.


Actually, a crystal can be very effective in helping get someone to sleep. Put it in a sock and give them a good hard smack in the head with it.

Jnei Level 8 June 30, 2018

So many times. I kind of like Wiccans: they're generally pretty cool people, and all the crystals and stuff are pretty - but when they start going on about how Wicca is "ancient wisdom" I'm absolutely unable to stop myself pointing out that Gerald Gardner invented it in the 1940s.

Jnei Level 8 June 30, 2018

Exactly. I don’t know how many times, when I was a Pagan/witch, that I pointed out the difference. And that Wiccans, with their strict hierarchy, were the xtian heathens. ?

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