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The DNC is not progressive, it is welded to the big money interests, same as the RNC.

Meanwhile the Media is having a field day, of course Maga Fox but also CNN trying to bait her into taking a dramatic stance against the DNC, and Cortez's refusal to take the bait.

There is one part of the ongoing war with the media that I do agree with and that is the Media's manipulation of stories to make them seem ultra melodramatic with the purpose of making them Click-worthy.

cava 7 June 30

Enjoy being online again!

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I love that word bait. I still remember president Clinton asking them to define the word IS.


For many years, I have thought that the US political system has devolved into the system of the Republocrats.


We need a new anagram ANC.


I concur.

t1nick Level 8 June 30, 2018
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