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I'm too hot and I drunk too much wine last night. I have the drive from hell tomorrow and my house looks like a bombsite. Heeeeeeelllllpppp

Amisja 8 July 1

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Hell Mend You! Lol ???

Coldo Level 8 July 1, 2018

I'd take Julie's advice..and as for the journey..just close your eyes and think of England...

No actually keep your eyes open..keep calm..and carry on..


Just ignore the mess, it will still be there tomorrow! Take a nice cold shower and drink lots of water and have a cuppa tea with a biscuit. That always help me when I am not feeling well. As for the drive; well I'm fresh out of idea's on that one. Sometimes we just gotta do what we gotta do! 😀 +😟

Its almost exactly like child birth. Massive painful effort but get a fab baby at the end. Except the baby is 22 and coming home from university for good! (Picking up my middle boy)

@Amisja oooo how exciting! So happy for you. 😀

@Amisja, for good ? Well done that man, another step achieved. Don't worry about the house, he will not see anything different even if you DID clean up.

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