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I ate at a resturant today, and i was struck about the fact that it has evolved to be socially acceptable to shove food in our mouths while in the presence of one another. Ok, we humans are no differnt than the animals as we require food, sleep, and community to exist. Why is pooping in public socially unacceptable? I WANT TO OPEN THE FIRST FAMILY POOPING CENTER. i will call it the "Pootorium." You may bring your whole family to the Pootorium and deficate amoung strangers. We will provide you with sented toilet paper, wi-fi service, and something nice to read while you enjoy your expeience. I'll be a gajillionaire for this. Who here would like to invest in this magnificent franchise opportunity?

lllllllllllllll 4 July 1

Enjoy being online again!

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I worked at Walmart that pace was scary @.@ it was terrifying to know how many adult and older women who don't wash their hands. Eew and they would come through my line and I would have to use a half bottle of sanitizer @.@ after they left gross gross!!


I think Jonathan Swift also parodied this in "Gulliver's Travels" but I'm too lazy to look it up.


Are you for real ? This is a crap idea !

No, seriously, admins, we need a rimshot.

Admin don't have the time to police all comments and posts, unfortunately ?


They probably did something similar in ancient Rome.


I can't bear people who talk with their mouths full. I have to leave the room.

So I agree with the sentiment of this post.


Sounds like that would be a shitty place to work or visit!

This site really needs a rimshot emoji.

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