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My personal altar of memories. This is an assemblage art piece I did years ago for Day of the Dead Art Show. Since then it has become a permanent piece in my dwelling place, collecting images of family that have passed, reminders of my childhood, phrases of my life and graditude for a life well lived.The images are overwhelming Catholic but they cease to guilt me or serve as symbols of divine intervention..they are just relics, vintage knickknacks. I must admit I still am attracted to votive candles.
4th, the bottom tier is my childhood toy box my grandfather made for me
3rd, is a vintage child's play cupboard
2nd. Recycled dresser top, turned upside down found in a dumpster ! Top, resale jewelry box that I restructured
..the hand painted stencils and colors just reflect my love of water and landscape

IT'S a grounding place, reflecting on the distance I have traveled and my loved ones whom I will always love.

Shazbott68 5 July 1

Enjoy being online again!

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Too much dusting for me, though.

Now you know...don't dust much lol


Nice. I've long wanted to do something like this.

Surprised how much peace I got from setting it up permanently

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