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Canada Day long weekend here so I am up at the family cottage visiting my Mom, Brother and Niece who I haven't seen in months. Over dinner it's light conversation until someone brings up the topic of Human Evolution and my mother who is a JW says that there is no scientific evidence to prove human evolution and no way that she could ever believe that something as complex as the human brain didn't have a divine creator. ๐Ÿ˜ฎ To make matters worse my brother jumps in with his theories based upon Zachariah Tichen and alien DNA mixed with hominids to create bipedal worker slaves. I try to explain the science but my Mom's eyes just glaze over and even though she is an intelligent person in most areas this is a cognitive dissonance moment. My mom is 83 years old, why steal her security blanket away from her at this stage of the game? I let it slide but I felt bad about it, other than that it was a nice visit and who knows, each one could be my last with her.

Surfpirate 9 July 1

Enjoy being online again!

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That's a lovely house.

It's grown over the years since my Nan bought it back in the War, almost lost it when a large maple tree came down on the roof back in 82' and then a fire in the old wood cook stove back in 86' almost burned the place to the ground. It's said to be haunted by one of the brothers who built it, who came home and found the other brother in bed with his brother's fiancee', shot through the heart with a rifle, died on the living room floor.


OMG! I've changed my mind. I wouldn't want to stay a night there.

@Ellatynemouth The nice thing about it is that nobody ever breaks into our cottage even though most of the other cottages have break ins during the winter.


Well hell... it was still a nice visit with the family .

Yep, the cottage has been in my family since WWII and it has always been neutral ground, leave your troubles at the gate when you go to the cottage or turn around and go home.

@Surfpirate. I like that...


I think that, at 83,she is unlikely to change her mind. I do believe that it is important to be visible within your family, in agreeing to disagree. The evolution explanation was worth it, just for that reason alone. It is too bad the family get together didnโ€™t stay light.

LB67 Level 7 July 1, 2018

I whipped up a pitcher of Margaritas and changed the topic, all was well again. She worries she'll never see me again when she goes to her fantasy land and I wish she would not put off things in this life because she expects to do them in the next life - awkward but we make it work.

@Surfpirate sounds perfect. I wish I could get my 83year old mother to see the beauty of a pitcher of margaritas and a change of subject. ?

@LB67 Perhaps try a pitcher of Bermuda Rum Swizzle, goes down so sweet and fruity and refreshing but when you try to stand up you usually sit right back down, no wonder Bermudians are so mellow. ๐Ÿ˜€

@Surfpirate sounds perfect, I just wonโ€™t tell her about the rum.

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