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Since avenues like facebook and youtube allow for the showing of bare breasts in a cultural context such as African tribal ceremonies and shouldn't they allow for the showing when airing events such as sluts walks in the context of a cultural phenomenon?

DangilEEAC 4 July 1

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It's a ridiculous double standard that women's nipples are censored but men's aren't when they look exactly the same, a point proven by @genderless_nipples on Instagram, which posts closeup pictures of nipples of both genders, and got a picture removed that turned out to be a male nipple, because Instagram can't tell the difference, nor can anyone else, because THEY'RE THE EXACT SAME THING!


The Patriarchy and Google owns women's bodies.

Bare breasts should be on a par with men's bare torsos.


I'm against clothing in general. Annoying stuff.
Also, bras aren't good for women, since wearing them causes breasts to sag.

But in countries where obesity is common and exercise is rare, I wouldn't want to see nudity.

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