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I recently took the Meyer-Briggs and confirmed that I'm an introvert. But what was really interesting is tbe counselor who administered it told me 75% of everyone are extrovert. I wonder what the percentage is among this group of atheists, centrists, anti-theists etc.

Melanball 5 July 1

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I doubt very much that 75% of the human population are extraverts. Just within my own circle, that number is more like 45%-50%.


The main association with a correlation to Atheism that I've seen is with "thinking types": xNTJ xNTP xSTP xSTJ. BTW Hitchens is commonly thought to have been an INTJ, Dawkins INTP. But these are just opinions, exceptions abound, and the Meyers-Briggs isn't hard science.


They'd have to add religious questions to the Meyer-Briggs test.

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