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This is so true for me.

HippieChick58 9 July 3

Enjoy being online again!

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Almost the opposite. I am indifferent about many things as they are often just noise in my life distracting me from doing what I want to do.
I mean it even seems a little odd to me as an atheist. I know the first seed was planted by a real indifference towards the teachings I was brought up with.

Anyway I know some people are very averse to indifference but to me its OK (maybe better) to care about only the things that matter to you. Caring about too much leaves less time/energy to care about you


Well I have often repeated that first sentence. I think the others are overreach however.

Let's see. Art is sometimes ugly, sometimes even on purpose, so i don't know that thinking people are saying art = beauty. Art is creative expression of subjective responses to the world; so the opposite of art would be creative repression I'd think. The opposite of religious faith is science, the opposite of colloquial faith (trust) is distrust, the opposite of life is very much death or at least the repression of living as one wishes.

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