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Our current government is pushing towards the extreme political right and has support of the right-wing evangelical Christians.

SageDave 7 July 3

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Call them right-wing, call them evangelical, but DON'T call them Christians. They're anything BUT!


The amazing thing to me is how Trump has broken every promise he has made to his supporters and is taking money out of their pockets in every possible way, while breaking every moral code they claim to have, and yet, and yet, they continue to believe and support him. Now I think I know why. It's because his supporters, especially his evangelical supporters, are racists, bigots, misogynists, anti-abortionists, anti-GBLTQ, Muslim hating womanizers, just like him. We must also realize that "Evangelicals" are NOT Christians at all. They are a religious cult. WE must defeat Trump in every possible way.

Well said. There are the 30% of people in this country who are this way and will never go away. The fight is long and lets hope they die off.

Although I appreciate the sentiment you propose I can’t agree that Trump has broken every promise he has made to his supporters. He promised to try and stop immigration for everybody not white and he has done his darndest in the most cruel way possible. He is trying to completely gut the Supreme Court of all moderation, again a promise to his Evangelical base. Also, I came out of a Christian cult and would say that most cults in this country are of the Christian persuasion.


It has always been. just now hyper-focused due to media proliferation. History shows us time and time again what power does. there is no left or right.


For me, this is the perfect time to discuss morality when the religious try to push religion. I will soon be 75 and have never see immoral behavior in government like I'm seeing right now and the evangelical Christians are supporting this immorality like no others.

gearl Level 8 July 3, 2018

?? You just noticed this?

No. I have written about this before but thought it would make a good 4th of July column.

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