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When I was going through a really bad time I burnt NO into my arm with a fork over the gas stove. I really wanted a NO right there where I could see it and I tan easily so it showed up white but as I got older and got liver spots all over my arms the NO disappeared and so I decided to go to a tatooist to have it more visible - (to me)

jacpod 8 July 5

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Why no and not yes !

The NO was to No more abuse ! I had been abused from a very early age by bi polar mainly manic mother and depressive but sexually abusive father I left home at fifteen never had a NO in me Now I have one to hand all the time to remind me.

Very nice, I like the idea !


I foudn a site on here that was about tattoos and lost it again so I am probably in the wrong place but at least have my 'no' with me for comfort.

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