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I've been a vegetarian for over 8 years. I'm not an overly healthy vegetarian but vegetarian none the less. I eat eggs and drink milk ect, I'm not a vegan. I've gotten to see a lot of different reactions over the years, some people look at me like I'm a mythical creature that couldn't possibly exist, others don't care but what I have noticed is men tend to care more. Why is this? Men tend to be the ones with longer reactions, meaning they ask over and over why. I don't have a good reason, no great story, just a choice I made and stick with. Women tend to take it for what it is and move on, more of a it doesn't affect me so why care attitude and thats how I am. I don't care what others eat or don't eat. Even when I date someone I could care less if they are a meat eater or not but the guys I've dated almost always care that I'm a vegetarian and eventually make a thing of it. Why?

Gypsy31771 6 July 5

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go to CDC and Mayo clinic websites and read about it


People tend to ridicule what they don't understand. There is definitely truth to the whole machismo thing as well. There are so many fallacies about vegetarianism propagated by the uneducated that the general populace just choose to believe what they've always been told, rather than being skeptical & doing their own research... Kind of akin to religious indoctrination. Funny that so many non believers who often pride themselves on their skepticism fall into the same traps as everyone else. "Where do you get your B12 from" Fact: B12 comes from bacteria, not plants or animals. Farmed meat most commonly gets its B12 from supplements & fecal contamination. "Vegetarians don't get enough protein" Fact: No case of protein deficiency has ever been recorded in any human who eats a sufficient number of calories from whole food sources. "You need essential fatty acids" Fact: All essential fatty acids come from plants. No animal can produce them. I could go on, but I'm sure there are plenty here who already will try to claim I'm wrong based on things they've heard rather than from their own research & conclusions. I prefer to stick with the proven science.


I have tried going vegan before and can’t do it. I like chicken and turkey too much.


I give praise to anyone who can go full vegan. Vegetarian is hard enough, I chose pescatarian. It's what fits me best. I do get odd reactions from different people and most times it is concern that I'm not getting what I need. Yet here we are living and shit. I get the reactions from both sexes but I do notice more people giving vegetarians shit than the other way around. I will answer questions but I'll never try to convince someone to be like me. I hope not anyway. Just do you girl. 🙂


On the whole, men tend to be bigger jerks about most things than women - not that some women can't give us a run for our money.
I'm vegetarian, but not preachy about it. If someone wants to eat meat - that's their choice. However, if I'm paying for the meal I wouldn't feel good about buying someone else's meat or fish. How we use our money is an ethical choice and may affect pollution, child labour, corruption, cruelty, exploitation, human rights and climate change just to name a few examples. Sometimes in relationships you just let things go rather than make an issue of them, but if I was close enough for long enough to someone who had a meat-eating habit that I was supporting there would come a point where it would need to be addressed.


When I went vegan I mentioned it to a coworker and he asked me if I had told my mother I was gay yet? He was an asshole, not only doesn’t he work there anymore I can’t remember his name.


I'm a guy that is an ovo-lacto vegetarian... You'd be welcome at our table.

Some people create an image based on stereotypes. The questions are probably just curiosity because you aren't preachy about it. Of course, some people see it as a power issue to influence what other people eat. There are a lot of different potential motivators.


On the dating side its a nightmare deciding on where to eat most places do not really cater for vegtarians ( veg lasagne and thats about it) i hated food times with an ex of mine as nowhere did anything decent


It's a bit inconvenient to locate suitable options when dining out with a vegetarian, but it isn't too bad. It's similar to dining out with gluten free people. If someone makes a big deal about it, I'd consider changing dinner companions. I make a lot of vegetarian meals. If it's got cheese, it's hard to dislike.


I don’t know why anyone would be concerned about what you choose to eat. Maybe they really don’t care and they’re just desperately groping at something to talk about.


I think it might be that some people have experienced what I call almost a condescending, superior attitude from some vegetarians. I don't care what people eat. I can see by their choices whether they are making healthier choices which might include meat/animal products or not, but unless they start lecturing me, it doesn't bother me in the least. Maybe they think you are going to try to change them? You seem to have the best attitude, so I would say it is them, not you...let them go...if they can't deal with food, how will they deal with the more important things in life?


As a male the only thing I can think of as to why they care is because they couldn't possibly imagine not eating meat, I am an anomaly because I don't care what you eat and don't really care for meat.


Because some men believe it's a woman's job to prepare all meals.


Lotsa people just feel guilty about being a meat-eater and don't want to be reminded of their feelings of guilt by the presence of a non- guilty person ?


I would not say anything unless asked.

I will say respectfully though that I would be and am concerned for your health. Humans evolved eating animal fat and protein, and there is ample evidence that when we transitioned to a more grain and plant centric way of eating stature, bone density and brain size decreased. The brain shrinkage started about 20K years ago, and the best theory is that we had hunted to extinction many of the largest, fat rich animals. Small animals just don't pack as much nutritional value.

And yes, I get and somewhat share the ethical concerns. However no matter what you eat, animals die. And mono crop agriculture requires biocide.

I eat almost 100% ASF, animal sourced foods. Healthy fats, protein, few carbs. I am 63 and take no medicine for anything, no aches and pains, BP is good etc.

Good luck.


Perhaps it's a testosterone thing. Lol. I'm a meat eater, but do not have problems with someone who is a vegetarian.. it's just a diet preference choice.

t1nick Level 8 July 24, 2018

I never thought of it before but I do believe you are right. Meat eating has long been associated with masculinity though it's not as obvious in our cultures as others. Except how men, even ones that never cook, just LOVE to barbecue. Also more hunters & fishers are men.

Carin Level 8 Aug 26, 2018

Men are probably commenting because somewhere in their heads they are thinking how it would be tough for them to date you.

I'm a veggie, too. I don't get a lot of comments and, on the rare occasion that I do, I consider the source. Usually, it comes from people that feel disempowered in life and need someone to mess with. It's usually some asshole masturbating about bacon... and he is related to me. In this case, I gently inform him that it's my business and that he isn't paying for or cooking my food and is it going to date me shi mind his business.

My favorite is when it is done by an obese person with diabetes saying my diet isn't healthy. I address that, too - I tell them that they need to watch their own protein/fat/sugar macros themselves before giving me any advice. At the end of the day, the proof is in the proverbial pudding.

Carry yourself with confidence. Your diet causes less misery and pollution in the world - it's a fact. If you think you're diet could be better, then make it better! Be the best you can be.

All the best to you!

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