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Did you know July 5, 1946 the Bikini was introduced?

papachag 4 July 6

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And women have been feeling shitty about their bodies ever since

GwenC Level 7 July 6, 2018

Let's see you in one then ?


I was only 5 months old but I remember it well. I recall saying “Hubba hubba”


Anything to do with Operation Crossroads?


Don't you just love technology?


The nuclear testing on Bikini, mentioned below, dispossessed inhabitants. Destroy the land, remove the people, appropriate the name -Western Imperialism in action. I go swimming at the beach almost every day. But let us remember who suffers for our privilege...Sorry to break the bubble of pleasant thoughts...


That is the day that we should shoot fireworks.

MrDMC Level 7 July 6, 2018

On 5th July, 1948, the NHS was founded. That's why I celebrated it.


Best day ever


The only bomb shell associated with the Bikini Atoll that I'm interested in.


And the mankini didn't appear till 2006 and women complain about equality! !!!!


When I was 3yrs old, I had an itsy bitsy teeny weeny one, to go along with the song so popular the summer of 1962.


What happened to my bikini figure? Too many glasses of wine and too much cake? Probably ! ? ?

@Phillydrl Oh, believe me it is!


Two years after I was born ? No wonder I had a lifelong affinity to being horny !


Yes, and it has a rather explosive background.

"Partly due to material rationing after World War II, French engineer Louis Réard introduced the modern bikini, modeled by Micheline Bernardini, on July 5, 1946, borrowing the name for his design from the Bikini Atoll, where post-war testing on the atomic bomb were taking place."

As for the name: Bikini is much more pleasant than nuclear fission suit would have been.

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