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Another one bites the dust! Let's hope this is a continuing trend:

A man who was identified in a video assaulting an African-American man at the deadly white nationalist rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, last year was fired from his contractor.

Major defense contractor Northrop Grumman confirmed on Friday that Michael Miselis, a PhD student who had a government security clearance as part of his work as a systems engineer at the company, would no longer be working for the company.

"The individual is no longer a Northrop Grumman employee," Northrop Grumman spokesman Tim Paynter told The Washington Post in reference to Miselis.

The confirmation comes a day after the 29-year-old was seen in a video "pounding on" a black man during the rally last year. In the video, Miselis is seen shoving an African-American man to the ground and hitting him.

Condor5 8 July 6

Enjoy being online again!

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I get really angry when alt right douchebags and their apologists bang on about freedom of speech, then go on to incite violence.

It's freedom to say what they want to say; and to hell with anyone else.


It is disgusting the way people feel the need to beat up others.


Glad he was fired. He should be charged and arrested for assault and battery.

Absolutely. And sued by the man he assaulted.

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