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If you were to create your own belief system what would it look like?

antman 7 July 7

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Everyone Creates their own belief system.


"You do you."


Could we wear robes, crowns and jewels? I've always liked the title "GODDESS...."




It would look like a laser message written on the moon which would switch on when you stand at the telescope alter after 10pm.

It would read "Don't be an asshole and have some fun. You only live once!"

Nardi Level 7 July 7, 2018

It would probably look a lot like "the Argument Sketch!"

Is that the Monty Python one? that was hilarious haha


I did attempt to create my own in high school as a thought experiment. I called it Sivarthianism (Travis backwards). My 11 commandments (because 11 is one louder, innit?) were as follows:

  1. Thou shalt not worship me or any man as god or his prophet under any circumstances. In fact, if you see me at the mall or something, it’d be great if you could pretend not to know me.

  2. Thou shalt revere information as power, seeking, keeping and using it as such.

  3. Thou shalt be creative in whatever capacity thou art most gifted, critics and censors be damned.

  4. Thou shalt have no less than one vice to openly exploit on weekends. Trust not those who appear to indulge or claim to abstain all week.

  5. Thou shalt not blame thy father nor thy mother nor a bereavement thereof for thine lot in life. For though they may have been shitheads, unless they forced you to be a shithead too, that has little to do with it.

  6. Thou shalt not belittle thy neighbor’s problem, nor shalt thou exaggerate his crime, for everything is relative, and nobody likes a judgemental prick.

  7. Thou shalt put on thy favorite album, and really listen to the lyrics.

  8. Thou shalt not mock the ecclectic knowledge of thy neighbor, for the geek shall inherit the earth.

  9. Thou shalt believe nothing that science commonly contradicts.

  10. Thou shalt not covet thy neighbors life, nor shalt thou weep for thine own, likening thyself unto the β€œemo kid.”

  11. If you don’t like my principles, I have others. Pass that shit to the ninja on your left.


We each can and should create our own belief systems. All it takes is the will to do it and the knowledge that we are responsible for our own decisions and behaviors and for their consequences and the persistence to search out knowledge which can flesh out and sustain those choices. If we do not form our own independent belief systems, we are captives to other's ideologies, dogmas, and "isms,"


We already have our own belief system which is innate and formed by our life experience.


Making my own for a allegory i am writing. Centers on Blamelessness, Agnosticism & the weaving of multiple philosophies in a syncreticism.


I would not presume to create a belief system as I feel totally ignorant, bewildered and agog.


I did create my own and it looks a lot like all major world religions brought into harmony with science. When viewed as metaphor for human psychology, instead of taken literally, most religions offer useful advice.

skado Level 9 July 7, 2018

I’d like to know more.

Instead of having a β€œrules” orientation it has a β€œprinciples” orientation. That is to say that nothing is required or forbidden because it doesn’t recognize an authority to enforce such rules, but does recognize that, given human nature, certain actions have certain consequences.
Main focuses are on resolving cognitive dissonance, and holding attention on commonalities, rather than on differences, with others.


I wouldn’t, belief is a claim to knowledge without any evidence. I try to remove as many of my beliefs as possible, of course it’s a work in progress, but the last thing I want to do is add more claims to knowledge when I have no reason to.

@maturin1919 fair enough, although they are synonyms so the misunderstanding is well understandable

Edit: Although I think the point that I made about unsubstantiated claims to knowledge still stands

@maturin1919 because that was the idea that I was addressing despite my misunderstanding of the definition.


Every creature is equal in value to every other creature. Cruelty must be killed with kindness. Let the other lead the way. Radiate as much love as you can in each moment. Think about others. Be helpful. Be useful.

I like this πŸ™‚


Just wondering what your β€˜rules’ would be.

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