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It is Not Ok For You to Demand Others Believe What You Believe

sassygirl3869 9 July 8

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Even atheists can't demand it. But people cannot make up their own facts and preach that this is the way it is.


Preach it, Sheldon!


Never. People are entitles to believe what ever they want to believe. They are just not entitled to their own facts.


Another reason I doffed the chains of religion


Thank you! Even on here, I have run into anger and aggression against others' beliefs. If we can't be open-minded, who can?


I agree,, we need to respect other people’s beliefs. We don’t have to agree, we don’t have to like it, we can debate, with civility, but they get to believe what they believe.


You mean that just because I believe a bunch of crap, everyone has to agree with me. This is great as I am a billionaire, now I can write checks and you guys have to cash them. Yea!


You mean that just because I believe a bunch of crap, everyone has to agree with me. This is great as I am a billionaire, now I can write checks and you guys have to cash them. Yea!

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