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I have a neighbour who just moved in next door, and he asked me what denomination I was. I said none I'm an Atheist. We had a long polite talk about God, and I chose not to hit him with how irrational his beliefs are. He's a young earth creationist, and he idolizes Kent Hovind, I thought, if I could just make it through this conversation, I'll be fine, but now he's over my house every day, and I'm to the point where I'm ready to explode. What would you do?

paul1967 8 Oct 10

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Once someone kept coming to see me because they were trying to save me from Hell. I told them that if they ever brought up religion again with this intent, they should just stay away. I was as polite as I could be. They never came back to preach and after a while we were good with sitting down to talk - without religion.


Offer to introduce him to his sky person if he doesn't quit bugging you.

Lol, I took care of it today. A few hours after we talked he dropped by, and we talked about the Chiefs, which I know almost nothing about so I mostly listened. He's not a bad guy he just thinks it's in my best interest to believe and I do appreciate his concern, but unless he can provide evidence I won't believe, and even if he did and there was a Christian God, I wouldn't worship him.


I would ask him why he keeps coming over everyday. What is his purpose for doing so. Is he curious about atheism and doubting his beliefs? If he is there to talk solely about his beliefs I would tell him I no longer want to hear or talk about that aspect of his life. If he continues I would tell him that he is harassing me and if he still continues give him a warning that if he continues any more that I would contact the police.

RJAU Level 4 Oct 16, 2017

Over at your house talking about religion? I'd politely tell him I didn't want to talk about religion anymore, or he can stop coming over. Or if you just don't like him I'd tell him you didn't want to talk anymore.


I consider myself non denominational. Don't know what or who to believe. The most out spoken Christians seem to be the biggest haters. Way to many hypocrites and or false prophets our there. The current pope actually said that it's ok to be athiest or non spiritual. Wow


Be polite. Religious people are usually overbearing about their beliefs.They can't help it, they are brainwashed.(I was once one of them) If he can NOT be respectful of your disinterest in his beliefs then he needs to go. Be a good neighbor and offer sports or pop culture to discuss. Christians need good Atheists to set a good example of how you DON'T need God to be a good person. I run a warehouse and one of my drivers is a christian. He is open minded to my thoughts and ideas. I know I won't convert him but he is open minded to hear my opinions of the fallacies of religion.


I have a friend who is really very nice, good company, and a loyal friend, but who believes in all sorts of conspiracy theories and the young Earth concept, and all sorts of other bizarre stuff. He's a stand-up comedian, so it took a while knowing him to be sure he actually believes all that stuff. We had some long, peculiarly winding conversations, and by now we both know that any further conversations won't change either of us. We stayed friends on facebook and I am supportive of his comic career, but I cut back on our long conversations by just being busy and 'happening' not to be able to hang out with him so much. We're both probably happier as a result. I did 'hit him' with the irrationality of his beliefs, often, and occasionally still do, and over time he has tempered some of his wilder beliefs a bit, I've noticed.

That's the way to do it. You ask why they believe what they believe and then you chip away slowly over time with reason and evidence. Thanks for your input, it was very encouraging.


You have much more patience than I do.
After hearing that he's a ridiculous YEC and Hovind is his hero, I probably couldn't hold back.
Everyday visits must have been nothing but delusional excrement coming out of this guy.
In his eyes he's out to save you, as long as you don't set him straight, he'll continue to visit.
Kind of like feeding a stray animal, it will keep coming back until you stop. lol


You should have politely put him in his place when you first met him.


Talk to him about other things, find other things you both enjoy and can talk about

I did try, I'm not much of a sports guy, but I talked sports, I asked him about his new home, what hobbies he's interested in. He's just there to save my nonexistent soul from a nonexistent hell that a nonexistent God created because I don't believe his nonexistent son is him along with a ghost.


I suspect there is more going on than an erudite discussion of religion. I would advise you to be busy when he shows up and pointed in your declaration that he needs to call first before just showing up. Whether or not you want to continue to carry on the disussion is up to you but I would not advise tip toeing around him. Offend him if you must but make clear that irrational beliefs make you skeptical of his thoughts on all other issues and you would definitely like to see less of him.

He doesn't come in my house but I'm outside of my house a good part of the day working in my garage. You all have given me great advice. I had issues with the last couple who lived there and I had hoped not to have a repeat of that. I'm not the timid type with lack of religion and I have plenty of firepower thanks to the insanity that is the Bible.


Is he trying to save you or hit on you or both? You should just tell him to back off and keep his delusions to himself as you live in an evidence based world not a fantasy one. As for the other he could be one of those pray away the gay idiots, ask him if he is that may get rid of him, too.

I hope just save me. I think part of it is his way to be friends and that's the only reason I haven't expressed my opinions of his beliefs.

To him you are one of the "Lost" if he can't save you he can have nothing to do with you(other than exploit you) according to his evangelical beliefs so, take care.


Without more info I'd say tell him you need some space. You'll contact him when you're ready to see him again.

SamL Level 7 Oct 11, 2017

Well, I have in a polite way telling him I have a project that I need to get done but he's good at making his last word just before he leaves last forever. I've decided to put my foot down and tell him he needs to stop. I'm not interested in him saving a soul that I'm exceptionally confident doesn't exist.


Simply explain God is a vain and jealous woman and Jesus is a rich Jew!



Paul, It sounds like you are far too nice to let someone like that impose on you. How about next time he comes over, tell him you would like for him to watch some youtube videos by George Carlin, Christopher Hitchens, Richard Dawkins, and Neal de Grasse Tyson, then you want to discuss the content of that material. You can have the videos all queued up on your computer. If he refuses to watch them, politely ask him to leave your home and never discuss religion again.

BD66 Level 8 Oct 11, 2017

That's hilarious, and I have most of them saved on my favorites bar all Q'ed and ready to go.


You think he's trying to stealth witness to you? Or do you think he's just open-minded enough not to care that his neighbor's soul is hellbound? 😉


Hit him with a hard dose of reality, and hammer it home until he stops bothering you.

I wrote this last year. I moved to Birmingham Alabama since writing this post but I agree with what you said.


I know I wouldn't want anyone over every day - why is he there ? And why do you let him in ? More god talk ? What ?

I would kindly say that while I'm happy with having a fine neighbor such as him, I do not wish to have religious discussion - if that's what's happening. He can take that to his church.
Then, it's up to you, as to how often he visits, It's your home. Good luck.


lock the door and pull the drapes




I'll be honest. Were I in your shoes, I'd have drowned him in derision and mockery within the first five minutes. I'm not a merciful man, nor am I one to hide my true thoughts. Deep down, I'd know that it wouldn't do any good because it would just reinforce his beliefs, but it would do me some good because I can't bear to be polite to idiots.

I agree and believe me when I say I have gone toe to toe with my share of theists. However, in my experience, doing that in the middle of the Bible belt surrounded by neighbours who are all theist, mocking isn't the best approach. I have to live around these people. As much as I would like to, I can't go around mocking them every time they come over to talk about their ideas of a God. All I will do is show them why faith is a terrible way to know if something is true.


When I lived in Virginia (many years ago), my ex-husband thought his children needed the Mormon religion and sent missionaries to our apt. First time I told them we weren't interested. Second time I told them we weren't interested. Third time I called my ex and told him to tell them to stop coming over. His reply is that the missionaries have been taught to never take "no" for an answer. I then told him if they came by again I would have them arrested for trespassing. I never saw them again.

This person needs boundaries. If he refuses to respect yours, then you need to decide what course of action you want to take. Now having him arrested for trespassing might be a little harsh, but I'm sure you get what I'm talking about. One thing to remember though..... NEVER make an ultimatum if you have no intention of going through with it.

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