If you could start a religion/group what would it look like? I've always joked about starting the Church of Common Sense. Educating members on how to be good humans.
I can envision a move toward a humanistic religion that is more like a resource hub and support sanctuary for dealing with life issues (moral, ethical and social) that we all need a little help with from like-minded people sometimes.
My religion would simply be based on Human Values. And rather than preaching to the people, imposing a set of rules from outside oneself, the individuals and families would be encouraged to actively participate in choosing for themselves the values and virtues they would like to enshrine and live by for their personal or family life. (I did this for my own family.)
In this way, some conscious thought would need to be put toward coming up with that set of values, and of course, the list of values could evolve as one matures and the world changes. (Unlike commandments made thousands of years ago, when the world was a little different!)
In a way, this website has become my “church” for lack of a better word, for the time being. Good place for sharing, supporting and honing our own personal thoughts, feelings and values.
At about 14/15 I started a religion in school to wind up the fundamental loonball head teacher. The Church of the Green Pencil. It lasted a few days and I must've had about 10 to 15 disciples. We made a few posters and scriptures etc, basically worshipping green pencils in any way we could. The teacher banned it before long and the other main culprit and I got quite a lecture in his office, threatened with exclusion if it continued. Mission accomplished ?
@TerryHest creativity in all its forms were actively supressed there, but especially anything relating to the giant invisible ghost who decided there was no originality in the world other than what he decreed. It wasnt your partucular school by UK standards. The joke wouldn't got very far in most places,
But in this place it thrived here. It helped that his indoctrination convinced nobody. His twice weekly lesson was to test people at random.on the 15 minute long biblical passage he'd chosen for them. We had to learn it word for word. At that age things didnt defeat us. We got a touch militant about It, hence the pencil thing. We correctly predicted he'd quote some of false idol bull! That was also the school that didn't do morning assemblies as normal, they did a 45 minute service in a.chapel every morning with sermons and everything. Forced bowing of head and complete silence for prayers. I've never come across that in any other UK school. Obviously random words such as 'crucify the bastard' or 'vagina' where whispered from unknown locations during every prayer. To our credit 99% of us weren't convinced!
this guy had the right idea maybe
When I go to confession I don't offer God small sins, petty squabbles, jealousies... I offer him sins worth forgiving!
Grigori Rasputin
If you're going to he'll anyway...
Far too sensible........it will never catch on!
@TerryHest Too much for your pocket I’d wager!
Mine would be as anti-science and opposed to common sense as possible, just so I could find out how much bullshit people will swallow before they start questioning things. Based on other, already-established, religions the answer is "quite a lot", but I want to really push the boundaries - we're talking stuff that would make those fundamentalist snake-handling cults and maybe even Catholicism look pretty normal... whatever comes of it, I'll have a lot of fun along the way and get several rich followers to sign over all their worldly goods to me.