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See, the Argentinians never were too much for religion....but now the congress Is debating the legalization of the abortion; the bill has already passed the Lower House....The church -which didn't say much until few weeks ago about the issue is now rallying the people and making speeches in public squares to prevent the Higher House from approving the bill. In fact, they are asking the President to veto the law if the bill passes both houses.
I am doing my part -FB and other sites- to fight against the church and its stupidity. I know the pro-choise will fill the galleries of the Congress and surround the building as they did few weeks ago....



DUCHESSA 8 July 10

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I'm not sure exactly how the Argentinian government works, but I know it's an electoral democracy like most industrialized western nations, so the way people vote must matter in some meaningful way.

Vote for pro-choice candidates. Urge others to do the same. Urge the elected politicians to advance rather than regress the cause of womens' autonomy and governing according to secular, rational priorities.

Well, since I don't live there I won't vote.
Fortunately, the pro-choicers are very active and the feeling is the bill will pass. The sad side of the activism is those who openly are asking for legal abortion are being harassed, threatened and even some have been hurt.

Thanks for the suggestions.


I personally think the church needs to stay out of politics. No one has ever been able to give me a secular reason for why a woman should not be allowed the option of abortion, and gay marriage for that matter. Religion should be a private thing not something forced down the throats of everyone else. If one doesn't want an abortion, don't get one, but do not deny someone else their option to choose.

Are you forgetting the "domination component" all religion have? Fortunatelly, my other country is not a practicing one.
I agree 100% with your comment. Thanks.


Sounds like you've done what you can remotely.
Relax with an adult beverage and remain calm.

See, this is the third time this bill goes to the Congress.

Adult in an alcoholic drink? Nope, no my style.

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