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Sometimes I think we atheists/agnostics put just a bit too much importance on some "religious" words.

Words like: Thankful, luck, blessed, amen.

I made a comment today that I was so lucky to get out of work in time to see the game.

A fellow nonbeliever seemed to get triggered over my word choice and went on and on and ON over there is no such thing as luck and that I sounded like a believer...blah, blah, blah.

After he exhausted himself talking, I asked him if he felt better and then told him, "Dude, you know me. You know I do not believe in the wooo hooo shit so you know it was just me saying I was glad to be able to leave. Next time you do something silly and I call you a son of a bitch, are you going to want to fight me for insulting your mom? No, because you can use common sense...most of the time."

He pouted in the corner with his beer the rest of the time I was there. insert eye roll

I see atheists do it all the time though. Someone says bless you and they get triggered. Someone says have a blessed day, they get triggered. Someone says they are thankful...triggered.

I wish I had so little things in my life to worry about that I could mount a crusade every time someone used a word I thought might be used as a "religious" word.

Bless all their little hearts. πŸ˜€

Crimson67 8 July 11

Enjoy being online again!

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31 comments (26 - 31)

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I don’t worry about using religious buzzwords anymore. Any time I get grief from someone about that kind of thing I just like to point out that since I’m a non-believer I can blaspheme all I want.

Amen brother...oops, see what I did there?


Only when I read blessed or have a blessed day but I think it's more to do with the way I read it bless-ed . I do not do anything about it just get internally miffed otherwise I just ignore people

Simon1 Level 7 July 12, 2018

I wish I had the luck to worry about something so trivial, have a nice day! (Unless you have other plans.)


I see luck as just chance events occurring in what is perceived to be your favour, doesn't have to be the result of divine intervention.

I had been taught that luck is when preparation meets opportunity.


I think you are absolutely right.
On the other hand I also realize that religion has infested our language so much through the ages, that it helps others to confirm their religious believes in an subconscious way. So I try as much as I can to avoid that kind of use, but I don't care if I or others make that same slip of the tongue. It's anchored so deeply.

Gert Level 7 July 13, 2018

I'm often intentionally fucking with religion in subtle word choices. Just bc someone is atheist, doesn't mean they're chill, rational or they have the sense of humor god gave a tomato.

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