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I'm not normally one to compliment myself on things. It's not that I don't have some "positive" traits, it's that I also see the "negatives". It's easier for me to remain grounded if I don't buy into the hype about myself.

Having said that, a friend of mine that I've known for over 15 years told me this the other night:

"Your eyes are intense, Joe. It has hardly anything to do with your eyelids or eyebrows as far as expression goes. It has everything to do with your damn eyes! It is difficult to explain, but they change somehow. Maybe it's pupil dilation or color of iris at the time? But your eyes paint how you feel as you speak. Most people have eyes that look the same no matter what unless they are brought to extreme emotions. But even the slightest change in your attitude or intent and your eyes change with it.
Does that give you an idea of being on the receiving end of your beautiful eyes?"

So, what's the nicest compliment you've received recently?

KCjoe108 6 July 12

Enjoy being online again!

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The eyes are the windows to the soul, so the expression goes. Mine were once described as “two limpid pools of Whitbread”! ( this is a British brand of beer....for non Brits)..... ?

I love that expression! The eyes and soul one. I don't fully understand the Whitbread one, lol.

@KCjoe108 Two glasses of British beer, dark brown in colour!It was an old boyfriend after he’d had a few of them!

Gotcha, lol! I spent a few weeks in England 2 years ago. Loved it.


You probably would make a good actor.

Oh my!!! Thank you 😀
To be honest, I've always wanted to try.

@KCjoe108 Do it, just do it.

Oh, I'm not really that ballsy. Lol. I don't think I'd enjoy being the center of attention if I actually was.

@KCjoe108 Well you never know unless you tried.

That is so true! Do you have any connections? Lol. Like, if you know The Rock, I would 100% be in his next movie.

@KCjoe108 The only rock I know is Eyers Rock in Australia but I don't think you are talking about it.

It's not... But take me there anyway!!!! Australia has been my dream vacation for over 30 years!

@KCjoe108 So what is stopping you, come over and put a shrimp on the barbie.

Work is mainly stopping me at the moment. I'm waiting to see if I'm getting back into active duty or not. If I do, then I need to find out where I'll be stationed.

@KCjoe108 So you are a soldier in the army?

Technically, I'm an Airmen in the Air Force. But it's pretty much all the same.


A couple customers complimented my pruning over the week end. It made me feel happy that someone noticed.

Carin Level 8 July 12, 2018

Sweet! Job acknowledgement is always a good thing.

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