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Wise words from a great man

meister268 5 July 12

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More foundational is that Christianity is based on an epistemology (theory of knowledge) that says the only reliable source of knowledge is a supernatural being who, conveniently, is unseen and unheard. So in fact the source is an alleged holy book as interpreted by alleged holy men.

In order to keep people kowtowing to this alleged revelation, your thoughts must be devalued, debased, and in fact, made taboo by disparaging them as "mere" human wisdom, while at the same time, credulousness about religious dogma must be elevated from the vice that it is, to a virtue. That's the basis of anti-intellectualism and anti-rationality. Rational intellect immediately sees through the fallacies on which the whole belief-system is based and therefore the life of mind becomes its implacable enemy. It must be undermined at all costs.

It occurs to me that when you think of it this way, the fawning support of evangelicals for Trumpism makes a lot more sense. Facts are Trump's enemy also, so he shouts untruths as loudly and constantly as he can, to try to drown out and deflect from the truth. Since this is all that authoritarian religion has ever done throughout history, their affinity for Trump suddenly makes perfect sense: in a very important way, they are simpatico -- they have the same problem and handle it in the same way.

Brilliant analysis!


No danger of any intelligence in the white supremacist religious wing nut evangelical Trump followers, or Trump, for that matter.


The vegetable will respond to you


Zappa! He had it spot on, succinct and straight to the point!

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