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Why is it hard to lose both parents my dad passed away last june 4,2014 due to complications of heart attack and last june 28,2018 my mom died unexpectedly at age tof 63 due of multiple organ failure by leukemia it hurts to both losse ur parents 😟what should i do?

msbutterfly18 5 July 12

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They were lucky and you were lucky. They were lucky because they didn’t have to through a long painful illness, or procedure, before dying, and you were lucky because you didn’t have to watch them go through these things. Both of my parents went unexpectedly and quickly a few years apart and I felt it was very fortunate for both them and me.


You move on and you create the life that they raised you for and provided you the tools with which to live. That's what you do.

Death is inevitable for everyone. Even parents. It's the living that we do until the moment our own death arrives which counts, and the best way we can honor those who have already left this life prior to us is by making sure we utilize and pass forward what we have been taught and what we have learned on our own.


I mean, you lost people that cared for you in some way. Cant just shrug that off. When my grandfather died, it didn’t hit me until I realized I would never talk to him again. Keep their memories close. Share ya’lls time together with friends.

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