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President Pathological Liar or Liar In Chief, has told over 3,000 lies already. In less than 2 years. Do you think he is a pathological liar?

JohnINFP 7 July 12

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Trump lies and there is no consequence. As long as some people believe his lies and there is no negative consequence for his lies he will continue lying.

Wonder if we the people should put him on trial for treason, breach of contract, 3,000 lies are the grounds for Impeachment, Democratic Investigation of his lies, his lack of mental fitness to be president, crimes against America or something. Law firms, political organizations etc. could just keep suing the shit out of him until he collapses from the crushing weight of it all.
Every American would be fired for telling 3,000 lies

@JohnINFP My feeling is that Trump will eventually go too far and alienate even his loyal base.

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