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Hey agnostics from all over the world..
Some of you may have heard of the arrest of Sherif Gaber a month ago..
an Egyptian young man.. vocal atheist.. outspoken vlogger..
he is one of the pioneers to criticize Islam and religions publicly and loudly through a YouTube channel that attracts the attention of hundreds of thousands with every video released..
his courage and publicity initiated a wave of tens of other bloggers doing same thing, throwing a massive rock into the stegnant swamp called Islam in that sad part of the world; the middle East..
Sherif Gaber was arrested at Cairo airport while doing the wisest thing a middle eastern atheist can do; leaving the country..
However he was released a few days ago and he posted a touching video.. full of hope and determination despite the tired look in his eyes..
Being an atheist in Europe and North America could be frustrating sometimes.. we hear of a school board wanting to teach creationism instead of evolution here, or a senator preaching that government should rule by Bible there..
But being an atheist in the middle East is an entirely different story.. you are ostracized from society.. most of the time including family and friends.. every mosque and church demonizes you in every sermon.. there are thousands of blood thirsty salafi animals want to get you..even your government is after you.
Middle Eastern vocal atheists are true heroes..they are fighting the plague of religions in the cradle of religions..
The good news is they are earning a new ground everyday but the sad thing is they have sacrificed many things, first of all their personal safety and they're in real danger all the time..
I will post the latest video of Sherif has a subtitle..
know that they are present.. let them know their fellows out there are aware of their presence.. Support them...they are making difference

CanadianKafir 3 July 13

Enjoy being online again!

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I think being an atheist in any where is hard. people do not want to hear the truth and they keep hiding being stories made my mankind to control

Rosh Level 7 July 14, 2018
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