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I know there are Conservatives on, but in light of Trump, what does being a Conservative actually mean in this day and age?

LucifersPen 7 July 14

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Recently I've begun asking all my Facebook contacts if they support Trump. And my relatives. If they do, I defriend them, and plan to never contact them again. I don't need Nazi/KKK/white supremacist/sexual predator-approving people in my life.


I’ve wondered if ‘the conservatives’ around here were basically former moderate republicans no longer feeling welcome at the party… They know better than religion, yet cling to their guns. They distrust the gubment, but occasionally admit it has a place..

To me, ‘conservative’ has morphed into regressive. Meaning, it’s no longer enough to hold their ground on major change, they want a running leap backward in time! And there’s a Media Industry recently developed (after the death of The Fairness Doctrine) that feeds them…

Never the best educated, most former conservatives were/ are primed by ignorance to allow themselves to be force fed & manipulated to apparently no end 😕 With the purposeful polarization of the nation (divide & conquer strategy), those least able to navigate the gray areas are poised and prone to become radicalized..

On the other side, the learned, tolerant, best educated among us appear prone to continual (Russian incited) debate and arguments about how ‘all inclusive’ we must be … as the militant conservatives march lockstep to the end..

Varn Level 8 July 14, 2018
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