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Its one of those nights.. I want to put my tux on and go out...I just have no where to go.

JohnBeret 5 July 14

Enjoy being online again!

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I can only offer karaoke, casual dress or whatever you like......

you me and tea?

@JohnBeret i prefer coffee, but willing to try something you sing? I can ease you into it with a duet!

@AnneWimsey i can sing .. I clarinet better. Do you swing dance?

@JohnBeret i adore watching it, know the basics........i play harmonica and alto sax, a bit, but prefer singing.....just bought a didgeridoo, but not having much success on it


You're the someone up and ask them out.
As for where to go, a quick google search will show you events within driving distance.

Or go by yourself as I prefer doing anyway.

putting the onus on the guy is total bs. women have as much , may be more, control in establishing a relationship....

have you ever dated a man shorter than you?

@JohnBeret Yes, but so what? Stop being one of those men who goes for the tallest, youngest hottest woman around. Ask someone short and plumpish out Look at yourself and judge what sort of woman would want to date you. Not me, certainly, but somebody will.

@birdingnut I can train you to be a better you. You arent intelligent enough for my full librium.


ZZtop said every girl crazy about a sharp dressed man. I have a custom hand stitched tux... never been kissed while in it.


Well, damn, John! I’m in Central NJ. Next time you think about dusting off that tux, hit me up! ?

UUNJ Level 8 July 14, 2018

Hey how about I put on my chain maille and sword..:

@JohnBeret ? I’ve been interested in learning how to craft chainmail. Not so much into the Middle Ages thing.

@UUNJ would you like a class?

@JohnBeret Maybe so, let’s talk offline.

@UUNJ this has never happened to me before hòw do we go offline and enter the ŕeal world?

@JohnBeret I meant message within this app, offline from this convo


No tux here ,never even worn a tie . I can relate though... My town becomes a ghost town every weekend . Where ppl go , no one seems to really know ? Its like theyre raptured on payday and sent back home monday morning ?


And I’m doin the opposite - several places ‘to go,’ or shoulda went - and instead wasting the day around here 😀 Seems I’ve arrived at that ‘been there done that’ zone … and a tux ..’ell no 😉

Varn Level 8 July 14, 2018
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