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"This Is Us" question.

You couldn't just walk out of a hospital in 1978 with an anonymous baby?


BufftonBeotch 8 July 15

Enjoy being online again!

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Also noted that Gerald McRaney was fantastic in that role. He really had an impact in a few scenes.
He's nominated for an Emmy as is Ron Cephas Jones who played William/Randell's dad. Who was also incredible by the way.


Security back in those days was nearly non-existent.

JacarC Level 8 July 17, 2018

I guess going into the details, doesn't add much to the story.

That was just a detail I kept wondering about. There is not much focus on the kids as babies, anyway.
More as about 12 and H.S.


Odd question, security wasn't that great back then so maybe but the parents would be miffed

Well....his mother died, apparently not in a hospital, and his father left him at the fire station.

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