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From a 42-year-old man

I didn't get a chance to have children. It was from not having me not having someone. It just didn't happen for me. I have a good job, and decent place. My favorite cousin always tells me I am her favorite bestest cousin and best guy she knows, but I do not know if I would flatter myself that much.

Is there something that women can sense in someone? Or is it just bad luck or timing?

Maybe I am not really asking a question. Maybe I am just venting.

Am I alone feeling this?

J75243 6 July 15

Enjoy being online again!

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I love my freedom.


Venting no guarantees in life

weeman Level 7 July 16, 2018

I didn't marry until 43,so no kids,either, 8 years in the Air Force, going around the world a few times and then getting out, eventually finding work, but low paying jobs did not help in getting dates,and being rejected had me quit looking for 16 years. Maybe I missed the signals women gave me,to possible father their kids,I dunno...

Only when I got a better paying job,was I able to wife hunt. Ran an ad in a singles paper in San Diego,we talked met,dated and married 6 months later,but now she's passed away from lung cancer,27years sure flew by,I'm going to start looking and dating after a full year has gone by(Sept). I believe Women do not like me,I've tried for friendships, and being "there" for them,so I'm clueless........


Consider yourself lucky!


Didn’t Pablo Picasso father a child in his 80’s? This opportunity hasn’t passed you by. And also, why do you need a wife to be a dad? Might you consider a surrogate or adoption? A friend of mine was a confirmed single gal and while it was harder to adopt than if she were married, she was successful. She couldn’t get the newborn she hoped for, but she adopted a 9-year-old who is now an amazing young woman.
As far as women sensing something: Do you talk about becoming a parent on a first date or in your profile? That could make a woman feel like a brood mare. How about asking your cousin to set you up on a date with a friend whose “assignment” is to give you after-date feedback? Sometimes things that seem small can be turn offs to some people.

UUNJ Level 8 July 15, 2018

I am not dating nor am I am not here for dating.

She lives out of state and she wants to but all her friends are complete Jesus freaks.

@J75243 Sounds like you are just venting and aren’t open to suggestions, which is cool. Nothing changes if no one changes, though.

@UUNJ I went through an incredibly messy split-up four years ago. It was the most emotionally painful experience I have had.

My main question is is that "Am I alone?" feeling this.

@J75243 It would be interesting to see the percentage of people who weren’t messed up by a breakup, even if they initiated it. I’ve was more devastated by the end of a post-divorce relationship than by my divorce. You are definitely not
alone, and there is no timeline for feeling better. Short-term therapy helped me.


My father had me when he was 41, my younger brother when he was 43. Is there a right time for a man to have children? I don't know. As a woman I don't ever feel the need to have children, and at 47 happily child free.


You are still young enough to make this happen. I hope you find the right person to do it with.
I've no idea if bad luck/timing. Vent away.

Qualia Level 8 July 15, 2018

Children are NOT necessary for anyone. Don't fret about it.
Just have a great life!
There is a Child Free group on here that you may want to join 🙂


As a 42 year old well-employed man you can easily find a partner and have children. Just make up your mind that you want that large responsibility and it will very likely happen.

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