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That warm and fuzzy feeling you get when the dumbass you can't stand blocks you.........😉

AzVixen52 7 July 15

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I usually block him FIRST..

Or her..

@AzVixen52 Yup..whenever I mention gender issues it's a chum bell for both genders, who want to rush in and say that I'm crazy because THEY never feel that way, so of course NOBODY does.

I no longer argue-just hit the "block" button.


I blocked nine men and one woman who harassed me.

No one has blocked me, to my knowledge.

I don't how to know if you are blocked. Scratches head.

@LiterateHiker I'm pretty sure many men have blocked me when I make nasty remarks about their genital comments, but I couldn't care less. These days if I see such a comment, I go ahead and do a preemptive block.


I’ve blocked one who was personally nasty to me, totally unprovoked; can’t stand for that bs. Another that I talked to to quickly revealed himself as unstable/obsessive. Few more that were just douchenozzles.


Damn ..where is all this blocking action coming from? I likely stir the pot as much as anyone.. but haven’t knowingly been blocked, or even how to block. Is it part of the dating aspect..? If so, maybe that’s why I’ve been left alone 🙂

Varn Level 8 July 15, 2018
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