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Tonight I was giving my 1 year old son a bath and he slipped on water before i put him in and fell straight on his back and his head smacked onto the floor loudly. He started to cry and I could tell he had hit hard. I freaked out and grabbed him and held him and felt his head, tried hard to console him. He had also fallen today at the playground same sort of thing. All I could think's my fault. It's been a hard year with my divorce and doing the single mom thing, and lots of other reasons I've just been struggling emotionally myself. This was like the last straw. I held him and felt myself crying as well in shame and frustration with my life. Then something happened. My son saw me crying and he stopped crying. he stared at me curiously. then he reached out and he touched my eye. I stopped crying and just looked at him. Maybe Im crazy but I think he was concerned. He kept looking at me that way until I smiled at him. Then he smiled back. They say your kids teach you as well. I think it's true.

thatgirllaura 5 July 15

Enjoy being online again!

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it is very hard to be a single parent, we put so much pressure into ourselves.. . I can feel your pain, because I felt the the same way many times, now my son is 16 years old and we are a great team together..
I can tell by the way you talk about your son, that you are a great mother, you'll see, things will get better.
Besos y abrazos.

vmedel Level 6 July 31, 2018

Babies are smart and can tell when you're feeling bad. Think about it...if a dog can do the same certainly a 1 year old human can.
I know some of the emotional stress you're going through with your divorce. It has been a year for me and I can say it gets better with time. I'm still jaded from it all but my family and one or two good friends have helped me see that there is light ahead.
It's easy to internalize your feeling and close yourself off, but resist it. Talking about it to those you love will keep the bad thoughts at bay.
Better days are ahead of you. One door closes and another opens.


...count your blessing (can I say that on an agnostic site?). Your child is thoughtful.


Beautiful. Don't blame yourself. Everyone struggles. Hang in there. We are all supporting and pulling for you.


Thank you for Sharing. Beautiful moment.

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