It's all one giant conspiracy I tell ya. They're trying to keep us from knowing the truth, so they've covered it all up since 1925. We have the evidence. We have the proof.
Apparently there is proof of extra terrestrials in some cave in Mexico. Problem is by the time scientists get there it will be vandalized or something and 'proof' destroyed. 'They' really don't want us to know the truth. []
Nope, not alien characters. We've been through this with the Mayan glyphs before many, many times. Every few months someone finds something or interprets some ancient set of glyphs they say support the ancient alien idea.
That does explain some of the crazies adhering to trump. Hannity, Piro, Jones, etc. certainly have a strong need to be different what it does not explain - IMO - when the facts are so clear but the belief refuses to die.
Maybe I just find it difficult to believe so many fellow Americans are so stupid.
It really gets to me when I someone I think of as intelligent and reasonable starts spouting some conspiracy theory. I don't understand it.